Thread: Insurance Query
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Old 15-08-05, 11:02 AM   #1
Ceri JC
Posts: n/a
Default Insurance Query

Earlier in the year, I was involved in a no claim (by either party) accident in my cage, resulting in no damage to people or vehicles, no claims, etc.

I know there's a culture of "rewarding" the victim (ie myself) of accidents with higher premiums on the principle that they can usually be avoided. However, this was a genuine 'nothing I could do' to avoid it/in no way my fault accident and the other party has admitted full liability to the police and myself.

Looking at quotes, despite being a year older and having NCB, my quotes have gone up almost £100.

Can anyone recommend any car/bike insurers (I believe the bike quotes will also be affected?) who use a bit of common sense/are reasonable about these things and actually take the details of the incident into account before stamping 'insurance risk' on your quote and financially raping you with an obscene quote?
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