Thread: paddock stands
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Old 14-05-06, 04:13 PM   #5
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Default Re: paddock stands

Originally Posted by muffles
i'm also a bit worried about how on earth a single person gets the bike on/off the stand without dropping it - any tips!?
1. Hook the stand under the left (lower) side of the swing arm.
2. From the lhs of the bike, hold the rhs of the seat so that you can control the weight.
3. Put slight pressure on the stand handle until the bike is vertical.
4. Pause, make sure the stand is now located correctly under both sides of the swingarm.
4. Press down firmly on the stand handle until it flips over centre.
5. Make sure everything is supported properly before letting go of bike and stand.
6. Step back and admire your handywork.

The reverse procedure is reverse procedure.

Just make sure that the side stand is down and, when you lift the paddock stand past the over centre point, be prepared for more weight transfer than when lifting. As well as the hand on the seat, you may need to have your hip ready to stop the weight dropping heavily on to the side stand.
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