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Old 26-05-06, 12:48 PM   #4
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Back then, it was 15W oil and Ohlins springs, .80 I think. and you're right, it's the normal Ohlins for the curvy. 46HRCPL? Some such It wasn't well set up, but it was OK. The forks, obviously, weren't amazing but they were consistent and predictable, and not quite a liability. They didn't rob me of braking and cornering confidence, anyway. They probably would now that I've had better, to be totally honest, I've had the new front end for long enough to take it for granted now.

The brakes... Well, I use the rear a lot, but I still wouldn't call it close to 40%, except when I'm deliberately underusing the front. Same was true with SV bits. though I'd say that possibly my confidence in the front brakes at the time was because they hadn't bitten me yet
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