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Old 11-06-06, 04:30 PM   #1
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Default K6 SVS and new member!!


This is my first post, so HELLO EVERONE!!! Im normally on BCF and used to own a CBR600 before I had a bit of a spill at the end of february. I have since become an SV650S K6 owner in a silvery blue colour, after 4 weeks of ownership Ive just got up to 400 miles (busy man) and can't wait for the rev restrictions to move up!! The bike is still totally standard (other than the idiot stickers have been removed 'unleaded fuel only' etc ) and even still has those pathetic dunlops that they come with - Im booked in for some better tyres this week so if anyone wants to make an offer on the dunlops feel free.

I was wanting to go for a CCC slip on can as Ive always had aftermarket exhausts on my bikes. From looking around the forum though it appears that the term 'slip on' is very loose, and actually means 'take a hacksaw to the link pipe'. Is this true of all models of sv650's? Im starting to think that whatever will fit the K5 bike will also fit my K6?

I know there is a search function and Ive tried looking for K6 related threads but it turns up blank, so hopefully one of you will be able to put me out of my misery!

Thanks for any help
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