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Old 06-07-06, 05:27 PM   #209
Blue Flame
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Following on from Falcs offer/suggestion (I hope this is OK Falc !!) I have posted the route from Microsoft Autoroute in a format that that everyone can see (whether or not you have Autoroute on your machine).

Click on the link below:-

Annual Rideout 2006 Route Map

It is worth noting that I have started the route at the campsite so if you are not 'camping it up' then start at stop point 2.

Pay close attention to the instructions in red on the text directions.

Please Note that the above link works OK if you use Internet Explorer but not if you use some other browser like 'firefox' apparantly. See the next few threads.
Triumph Sprint GT 1050 -Sexy Phantom Black; Powerbronze Screen

Previous >> K3 SV650S - Candy Copper;Lower Fairing Set;Fender Extender; Powerbronze Screen; HEL Braided Lines;
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