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Old 07-07-06, 07:23 AM   #515
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Originally Posted by northwind
Originally Posted by Jester
2. My great Aunts Uncle was the clever chap that came up with the idea for cats eyes (The ones in the road, not the feline ones!!) He went on to develope the idea, developed the first working model but forgot to patent the plans! Doh!! [/color]
If we're playing that game, my grandad was one of the McVities master chefs who invented the jaffa orangey bit. He also iced the Queen's wedding cake. My birthday cakes used to rock
Okay then
My dads side owned some hoisery co - poss pretty polly- and when we were self made millionaires they put the money into Rolls Royce which then dropped and we lost the lot. - Hows that for stupidity!
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