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Old 16-07-14, 02:08 PM   #1
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Default Pressure sensitive laffic trights - not biker friendly?

I have some traffic lights at the bottom of my road, on a crossroads, fairly quiet road at best of times.

Now from experience I reckon about 9pm ish they seem to change 'modes' and all 4 ways stay completely red until a car pulls up to the junction, then that specific side turns green. You get the picture.

I've been sat there for 5/10 mins at 11pm sometimes and have been forced to run the red light.
It's a closed junction so can't see the other roads because of walls and a house but I can see the other traffic lights reflecting so I know they're on red when I run them, so it's not completely suicidal.

Where do I stand if a copper sees me from the distance, or should I report it to the highway peeps before that does happen?
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