Thread: Tesco
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Old 23-08-06, 07:20 PM   #3
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Default Re: Tesco

Originally Posted by Caddy2000
Went out on Sunday 2up, and was having a lovely day until I had to fill up.
Got to Maldon, and stopped off for some nice RON 99. Went off to pay, qued up for a bit and finally got the front of the que passed over my debit card.
The bloke took it, started to process my transaction and asked me to take off my lid.
He gave me a funny look when I said no. And by the time he'd processed this response with his two brain cells I'd already enterd my pin and he'd handed back my card.
I asked him why I should spend several minutes taking my lid off, to which he replied "It's a security issue"
I asked where the signs were, to which he said that they were on the door.
Apparently he didn't think it was a bit late by then to be taking off your lid, and when asked why if he had a problem with me buying petrol with my lid on did he turn the pump on, all I got was a goldfish response and "remember to remove your helmet next time"
"Next time", I replied "I'll be in Sainsburys"

I thought Tesco had scrapped this sh*te?!
It's amazing how alike a shotgun and debit card are......
Ask if youre supposed to remove lid using pay at pump. If no, why should you have to if you walk into the station card in hand to pay?

You can refuse to remove lid. If they refuse to serve you offer them cash for the fuel [cards dont count on this I believe]. If they refuse you have the right to ride away without paying - as long as you can tell old bill they refused your offer of payment theyre buggered if they try to pursue it as it was they who refused.

Either use pay at pump or sainsburys for a quiet life though.
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