Thread: Santa
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Old 08-12-11, 04:34 PM   #1
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Default Santa

This one is mostly for those with kids...

The wife is adamant that she won't lie to our kids (3yr old and baby) about Santa and will tell them there's no such thing - this at least partly due to her own parents lying to her.

I have mixed feelings about this as I want the kids to enjoy their childhood as much as possible, and I don't see anything wrong with them believing in whatever they choose to while they are young. I also think kids are getting far too commercialised and the whole Santa thing just makes it worse. Lastly, I don't think I'm gonna win the argument anyway.

Really just wondering what other peoples thoughts are on this? If you have kids what do you tell them? Is it right or wrong to tell kids there is a Santa? Is it actually going to affect them either way? Are the other parents at nursery going to demonise us when our kids tell their kids it's all made up?
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