Thread: Injury Claim
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Old 13-06-18, 02:04 PM   #1
Join Date: May 2015
Location: Fife
Posts: 112
Default Injury Claim

Hey all,

just looking for some feedback/advice from some of the more experienced riders out there.

back in October, i was hit by a lass pulling a 3 point turn to avoid a traffic jam. thankfully i got off pretty light, didn't drop the bike but did get tagged on my left foot.

thankfully my boots did their job, and i got away with soft tissue damage.

7 months on and I've been dealing with the little red phone company (lass admitted full fault, bike repaired, boots replaced), going through physio etc I can walk fine on it, its not sore all the time, but it is aching/throbbing for example after a weekend dog walk or working in the garden.

After a medical report, they have decided that my current injury is not related to the accident, and my foot should have healed in 5-6months. Have basically said take this sum of money, or seek further representation.

i wanted to avoid the ambulance chasers and general scum that comes with personal injury claims, hence just dealing direct.

So whats your experiences, what should i do?
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