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Old 02-03-06, 02:47 AM   #72
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Originally Posted by Scoobs
Originally Posted by Filipe M.
Originally Posted by Scooby Drew
Originally Posted by sharriso74
They actaully go further with dimples than without. Amazing what you end up watching on TV when your suposed to be working from home. Got to love the Discovery channel
Dimples, concave, like those used on a g*lf ball, are designed to reattach the airflow that moves around the ball as it flies through the air. These dimples allow for further flights of the ball with the same energy input as a ball without dimples.
As far as I remember, designers were looking at putting dimples on the nose of commercial jets...
Precisely! Who'd say that the smoothest form isn't always the more efficient aerodinamically?
Car parts as well. Unfortunately, the stylists don't like it.
Some F1 cars have dimples on them AFAIK.

Same goes for hydrodynamics. A lot of the good surf kayaks have dimples along their planeing surfaces, to let the boat slide over the water easier.

Some golf balls are illegal, because they have designed the dimples so well now that they go too far... The idea is, that the dimples sort of cause a little area of turbulance around the ball, this stops "separation", which is the sort of thing that happens when a wing passes through the air. When the air doesnt separate, and tucks in neatly in behind the ball, it causes less drag. So the ball goes further.
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