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Old 17-05-07, 10:54 PM   #5
Posts: n/a
Default Re: 10 Questions.........for those who are bored!

1. If you could cure just one disease, which would it be, and why?
Influenza - cos having Flu sucks.

2. What is your favourite Shakespearian speech?
To sleep, perchance to dream.

3. If you could be an animal, which would it be, and why?
A dolphin - I don't particularly like them as such, but I really want to know what the big joke is. I mean, why are they smiling all the time eh?

4. Which Tarantino film do you consider his best?
Pulp Fiction as a Director, Dusk til Dawn as an Actor.

5. Who would win in a fight between Little Bo Peep and Little Jack Horner?
Bo Peep - one swing of that shepard's crook in the pods and Horner's goin' down.

6. What do you consider to be the most evil, single act of the 20th century?
The Phantom Menace.

7. If you had to lose one of your five senses, which would you choose?
Hearing. I'd finally get some peace and quiet.

8. Who do you think has more value, a musician or a writer?
A writer. Music can evoke the mood of a time, but the written word can tell you what actually happened.

9. Do you believe in the possibility of other intelligent life in the universe?
Life, yes. But define 'Intelligence'? (As I don't think we count.)

10. Could you kill another human being?
Yes, but not a dog.
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