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Old 13-08-08, 12:06 PM   #1
Posts: n/a
Default What problems are you ignoring.

I love my SV, but to be honest I'm a lazy sod. I leave things and put stuff off that I know I need to do.

As the moment my 'put offs' are...
  1. Clutch basget needs changing as my bike is a clunky nightmare.
  2. Fork oil needs changing, its getting a little choppy up the front.
  3. Tank needs painting, the chips and stuff are a little rusty.
  4. I need to find out what wrong with that loose pannel.
  5. Clean the chain at least once this year (it gets ignored cus of the Scottoiler).
  6. And last clean and then winter treat the bike... lol, like thats going to happen.
Though I have aranged to have the clutch done next week with the help of Jambo and his garage... The is only so much clunky, missed shifts, stiff neutrals and stalled starts you can put up with.
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