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Old 02-06-10, 12:25 PM   #9
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Default Re: Gym/running advice thread

Originally Posted by MrFish View Post
Chasey, that Promax stuff sounds like it might be good idea although I am reluctant to push my calorie intake as I have been on about 1600 calories a day for 10 months (although I do rather let myself go at the weekends). This stuff does sound relatively low-calorie though.

The website says to take it 2-4 times a day throughout the day. Is this really necessary? will a portion before a workout (and after?) suffice?

If I were to take it twice a day it would be after a work out with some water and then before bed with milk. Milk slows down the release of protein. There is a special name for it me thinks but not so sure what.

When training though I will have 3 a day. One in a morning as a snack (elevensies), after a workout and then before bed. Don't burn yourself out though by not taking on enough calories!

With the running try and mix it up a little over different routes. Can get boring doing the same over and over again. Different routes mean different hills, undulations etc. Keeps yourself and your body guessing. - a good run mapping tool!
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