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Old 31-07-18, 11:49 AM   #8
Posts: n/a
Default Re: How often to upload videos?

Hi Tamsen,

I have seen your videos and you do well.

I have a channel with 5 million views and 70K subscribers so here's my advice...

Upload as often as you can! Especially as you are a small channel.

Because you usually have access to one bike, you are usually going to be demonstrating with that bike. But obviously you can generalise a lot of subjects because many parts are the same or similar. I.e your explanation on bike engines or stuck caliper pistons.

My channel is about electronics so it has a different approach but the idea is the same.

Keep spitting out good content as often as you can, inspire others to self teach. You have to stay motivated, I know how it feels to have only a few hundred views per video and not exceeded your £60 adsense withdraw limit for months!

I started my channel because electronics was such a difficult thing to learn! And while I'm not a self-taught engineer. It was a pain in the ****! My focus was simple... Make videos that demonstrated ideas and knowledge in a way that simplified what I have learned in a way that no-one else has.

Sadly, due to a 40 hour a week job as an engineer and focusing on my electronics career. I no longer have the time to maintain my channel. I haven't uploaded for a year but my channel still continues to get 150k views a month regardless.
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