Thread: Career Advice.
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Old 11-10-10, 08:10 PM   #1
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Default Career Advice.

When I left school I didn't really know what to do with myself, my career advisor at school was a joke and suggested I do vehicle mechanics at school (because i told her i liked cars lol) at the time sounded pretty good so I went with it and enrolled at my local college.

Despite having 7 C's at GCSE they put me on a course that was full of knuckle scrapers and I've since realised that I should've been on the course above, but at the time I had no idea. I got on okay though, had a laugh and completed it with a distinction. I then went on to do a National Certificate in vehicle repair and technology afterwards and passed that.

Halfway through my National Cert I hated it, we were just going over what I did in the first year and there was hardly any practical also no garage would give me any work experience, so I was learning nothing. I became bored and lost confidence in myself when it came to practical tasks. This led me to lose any passion I once had for a career in the motor trade and decided I wanted to join the forces.

I set my sights high and went for a career as a logistics officer in the RAF I lost 3 stone and took evening classes to improve my grades (now have an 'A' in Maths & English) I had my heart set on it and was dedicated. But I failed to gain entry because I didn't have enough UCAS points and vacancies were low. I thought okay fine... It's okay I can join as a regular and make my way up the ranks, not a problem at all.

For over a year now I've been trying to join the army as as aircraft technician whilst juggling crappy dead end jobs, I was made redundant twice since I left college and it has been tough tbh. A few weeks ago I went to ADSC (army developement and selection centre) in Pirbright Surrey, for those that don't know it's a 48 hour long interview basically - Including physical and mental tests and a medical. If you're successful you're offered a job.

I got there after 5 hours on the train, I was there for about 2 hours... Got a medical deferal due to my acne which I have on my shoulders and back. Their excuse was it could become infected or just painful and I wouldn't be able to carry my backpack 'rendering me useless' lols. The point is they're being extremely picky becasue they can afford to be atm.

I was devastated and angry but couldn't argue, I had to bite my lip and take it. Also my colour blindness is too severe for my chosen trades. (Which they couldn't possibly tell me waaay back ). So shattered dreams really because that's all I wanted to do and I can't now due to something I can't help.

So here I am now - 22 years old, living with parents, working as a tyre/exhaust fitter... Which lets face it I could have done since I left school with no qualifications. It doesn't challenge me and there are no prospects. Plus I have to work every saturday! Grr lol. But seriously I am very worried about my future now, becasue I feel I can do better and I don't want to be 30 years old with nothing, stuck there. So here are my options that I can see.
  • Army - Different job choices (once the acne has been treated/gone)
  • Navy
  • RAF
  • Motorbike mechanic - I love working on my bike and I have some qualifications/theory knowledge.
  • University? - I can't think of anything I want to study and I don't think I have enough UCAS points.
  • Apprenticeship in something.
Any advice would be very much appreciated.

Sorry for the almost biography, I just wanted to explain my situation fully as it might help.
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