Thread: Drinking
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Old 08-11-07, 09:27 PM   #10
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Default Re: Drinking

Sounds like the people who are out getting Bladdered and then feeling poo the next day need to watch themselves. From the info in the news etc Binge drinking is worse for you than just moderate drinking throughout the week.
Also, some nice wine in an evening, then a couple of beers and then whiskey. Well, possibly the start of something bad? I've been there! Was getting to the point where the wife and I were having a bottle of red EACH, most nights! This was about 6 years ago. Did the French run and had LOADS of beer and wine etc. Had a bit of a shocker one moring when I went to finish the dregs out of the bottom of the glass!!! NOT GOOD!! Wake up call. Didn't drink for 6 months from then on.
Now just have a little tipple in the evening. Glass of wine just to help the dinner go down and maybe a beer. Fridays and Saturdays prob a bit more.
Alcoholism is not a subject to be taken lightly and I can definatly see how easy it creeps up on you if you let it. Some people are more susceptible to that sort of thing too.
When I go out to the pub or have an eveing out with friends I very rarely get totally bladdered, Whats the point you spend the next couple of days feeling totally shocking, and are prob over the limit still in the morning to go for drive or ride!! Anyone thought of that!?!? The morning after alcohol limit in your blood?
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