Thread: Science
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Old 22-06-18, 11:28 AM   #4
Talking Heads
Join Date: Jan 2017
Posts: 486
Default Re: Science

Originally Posted by ophic View Post
Science is rubbish - they still can't answer the simplest questions.

Such as which is the fastest colour?

Very obviously its white.
The fastest vehicles built to convey humans have always been white.

Science is a misnomer.
All scientists ever do is discover how much they don't (and will never) know.
Just ask them to explain how gravity works.
They can't.
They can merely describe the effects of gravity.
Anyway, you don't need to be a scientific genius to know that apples are for pies...

I usually keep two small pebbles, one in each jacket pocket.
They are different colours and patterns.
One is striped, the other spotted.
They were found lying beside each other on a beach.
I often get them out and look at them and wonder how they came to be so different in appearance yet beside each other on a beach.
And I absolutely do not ever want to hear any explanation as to why, because that would remove the wonder.

Far better to wonder at nature's majesty than to tear it apart trying to understand how it works.

I'm just away to play me bongos...
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