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Old 01-06-08, 01:38 PM   #6
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Default Re: May Photo Comp, The Vote Off! 1-10

Thanks all for the voting, looking at the results our winner is b_1_rd with his banyard and blue SV pic

He came top with 9 votes with Luckypants and YoungMan running joint second with 7.

Thanks again for all that took part, in reply to your point petevtwin650 it is a good point, its hard for every single photo to be entirely on target and seems like in this photo comp there were quite a few which were a bit off the mark. Going forward with the next comp i'll keep an eye on all the photos entered and see if a gentle nudge will solve things. I don't really want the winner to choose what ones can enter next month, I think if the majority can see its relevant then that's good, if its way off then i'll be asking that person to take another or at least explain it.

Anyway lets see what b_1_rd comes up with and take it from there.

Thanks again all.