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Old 04-10-13, 06:02 AM   #41
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Default Re: Strangest injuries

Broke my little finger as my ex girlfriend sat on it
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Old 04-10-13, 06:03 AM   #42
Mr Speirs
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I've had a few but suprisingly still not broken anything.

Had my head split open by the school nutter when he took offence to be getting to the football first...he picked up a massive stone..I started running away very quickly...he still managed to throw it and hit me in the back of my head! Blood everywhere but an amazing throw as I was at least 20m away!!

Had to go into hospital with a suspected broken leg after I jumped down 2 steps but at full height of the jump hit a right angled pole with my shin. No bone broke but had a massive dent in my shin and to this day have a 5p piece area of my shin with no feeling whatsoever.

Around the winter before my GCSEs we were getting some skateboard practice in indoors with a skateboard with no wheels. The idea was throw the skateboard down a 6 set of stairs n try landing on it. My turn came and a threw the skateboard and jumped after it. I did land on it but it was on its side so I essentially landed from a 6ft fall onto a surface 10mm in width. The skateboard didn't tip I bounced off of it and sprained my right ankle so badly when I came to GCSE time I still couldn't do my PE physical exam.

Say at home bored on new year I started destroying a keyring with a pair of nail clippers. You know the keyring things which look like ball bearings held together? Well I was clipping them and watching them fly round the room. I was laying on my side when I clipped one which went up in the air and straight into my ear. Went downstairs to tell my mum my room was filthy and I have decided to clean it so need to borrow the Hoover...tried to Hoover it out...didn't work. Went to A&E they said they could see it but I would have to come back after new year. When I did it was didn't come out at home so no idea where it went!

And my motorbike crash where I hit an Armco which my chest after low siding in the Peak District.
Doctors said I was fine but I think I broke a couple of ribs. One thing people don't tell you about breaking ribs is wiping your **** really really hurts.
Smokey Black Burnty 02 - Racetech Smoulderlators + .90kg BBQ Springs, zx10r shockingly toasted, Conti Road Attacks heat up very nicely, R&G Crash Bungs but what f**king use are they, No Colour Matched Hugger, Flame Extenda, Beowulf Titainium Oval Flame Thrower.
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Old 04-10-13, 06:26 AM   #43
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Default Re: Strangest injuries

Been thinking back and remembered a few more...

About 10 years of age I knelt down on the floor in the diner part of the kitchen to read the paper, felt a sharp pain on my right foot, a massive shard of glass sticking in my foot, my sis had dropped an alpine (local fizzy pop company) pop bottle and it smashed, she obviously missed that bit, 5 proper stitches.

Not long after I went to the newly opened chelmsley wood swimming baths on the evening, the ladders under water had sharp corners and I whacked the same foot as above on the ladders and so there was a big spill of claret in the pool, baths closed, another 5 stitches only about 10mm away from other ones.

Playing Sunday football I was running down right wing and it had started snowing earlier so pitch was getting a covering, slipped after jumping a tackle and landed in the deck, got up and left hand felt weird, looked down at it and my wedding ring finger was at 90 degrees to my hand, it started hurting now so I was rocking it back and forth and relocated it, it immediately swole up and pushed the surrounding fingers away.
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Old 04-10-13, 07:30 AM   #44
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There was a chap I went to school with who wasn't generally liked and was far from bright (I'll borrow from Anthony Burgess and call him "Dim").
A few of us were messing about and one chap took one of those babies rattles with a 2-3" sucker at one end to connect it to side of cot and the rattle bit at the other end. He licked the sucker bit and rammed it on his forehead. Shook his head, we punched it etc, all good fun. When he came to remove it, he found it difficult to do so until he slid it down his forehead to let air in at each side of the top of his nose.
Dim thought he'd do it as well so licked the sucker, rammed it onto his forehead and we had the same fun. He tried to pull it off, but it wouldn't budge. No one mentioned that he could slide it down his forehead.
He started getting increasingly desperate, we all laughed thinking that he'd have to go to school the next day with it still attached (I'm sure that wouldn't have transpired but it was in our minds). He asked us to pull it off, so we made him immovable and someone pulled it off - took a lot of effort. When it came off, it left a big, red, perfectly round mark in the middle of his forehead. We all laughed. He got annoyed.
When we all turned up to school the next day, Dim turned up with what was now a 2-3" perfectly round bruise on his forehead. Lasted a good few days.
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Old 04-10-13, 07:53 AM   #45
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Only thing I've ever done a bit odd was feeding the cat, and opening a tin of food with an old fashioned tin opener. Fed cat, pushed lid down with finger, finger got stuck down side of lid and inside of tin.
Couldnt pull it out, and had to push down to release. Ripped practically to the bone, and had a flapping flesh bit next to my nail to the knuckle. Wrapped it up and now I have a u shaped scar.

Nowt compared to Peg, who tells kids(and adults) he got bit by a shark, when they stare in curiosity at his leg if they catch a glimpse of his rather large, skin grafted scar around his knee and calf. That's what cars can do when they hit you very fast head on in a bike crash.

I do have buggered joints though, rather a lot of them. I've been nursing two tennis elbows for six months now. One began pulling weeds and decorating, the other came out in sympathy sat as a passenger in the car. I can't even lift a kettle without practically dropping it.
Suzy, yellow 2001 SVS. Kitty, V-Raptor 1000, ZZR1400<<its my bike now Pegasus!

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Old 04-10-13, 08:22 AM   #46
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Default Re: Strangest injuries

I've had a couple.

Was playing with a big glass bottle and a can of deodorant. I sprayed a little too much into the bottle before setting fire to it. Massive fireball took all the hair of both my hands. My right hand is still (12 years on) considerably less hairy then my left, and less hairy then before.

Once playing football as school (you know they type of game, one of about 6 played on the same pitch all in various directions.) i went to kick our ball and got my foot caught in someone else's jacket pocket as he ran the other way. I went flying and landed badly on my wrist spraining it badly.

I once made the mistake of following the world number 67 down a downhill course. He made the double look easy so in the split second I had to decide I though "Yeah, I can do that". I couldn't. front wheel landed head on on the reverse of the down ramp,, somersaulted with my feet still clipped in so landed on my head and shoulder. Everyone came running over and told me not to get up I was in shock, had gone white as a sheet and to let whatever was gonna start hurting to start hurting. After a couple of minutes I said I was fine, honestly so got up. Tried moving my arms. Left one was fine, right one wouldn't lift up past about 45 degrees away from my body, it just went kinda limp. I had a look and sure enough there was a massive lump and my collar bone was in so many pieces at odd angles I still do not know how it did not puncture the skin. I told my mates "Er, Guys I've broken my collar bone" but they didn't believe me until I showed them the pointy out bits. I really did not hurt until I went to bed that might and I didn't see something on my bed, lay back and it pushed the shoulder moving all the bits round. That was the most pain I've ever had.
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Old 04-10-13, 09:42 AM   #47
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Default Re: Strangest injuries

Originally Posted by ibby33 View Post
Broke my little finger as my ex girlfriend sat on it
Now, when you say 'sat on it'...
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Now trying the lunacy that is KTM with a Superduke GT. for the pillion capability of course.
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Old 04-10-13, 10:16 AM   #48
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You guys are freaks.

I've only got 3 injuries of note and an embarrassing one that Amedus just reminded me of. As a kid at some point I had a plastic breaker (I assume I'd finished a drink) I placed the rim around my mouth and sucked really hard so it stuck to my face. I didn't realize I was simultaneously giving my self a hicky all around my mouth and chin. I remember it lasted a while and looked hideous.

The 3 of note are in order of appearance:
Scar on my right knee, doing this exact jump:
We'd done it several times during our DownHill Holiday what you can apprechiate from this angle is its not very far forward but its really far down and blind at take off. I'd waited for a guy to pass before setting off into it (and I assumed clear the 2nd berm) He hadnt instead he'd parked up for a breather... right on my line. Saw him just after V1 and narrowly missed hitting him as I cleared him but I had no run out left. Hit the ground HARD on my knee and face. 3 deep scars in my knee (which been a **** I didnt get looked at and later became infected). My face survived but my helmet certainly didnt I snapped the jaw piece clean off. Felt like a lucky escape tbh.

No2. The scar on my shoulder, its not as obvious as my others but probably the most spectacular. Before football I met with a friend who had a 125 and wanted me to have a look at it as since he dropped it it had begun accelerating during RH turns. Yes I was only wearing a football kit and hoodie, the first couple of times I did a little loop of the retail park and it was manageable. 3rd time not so much, I entered a long right hander far too fast lent in and it got quicker and quicker... bugger!
Thought I'd made it out of the corner but ran out of road popped onto the kerb smashed through a birdmouth fence and wedge the bike in a thick bunch of bushes. The bike stopped quite quick, me not so much. Over the bars I went in a head of heals fashion which I vividly remember seeing "sky/tarmac/sky/tarmac..." I landed on the top of my helmet and rolled out on to my back/shoulder before coming to stop wrapped around a parking barrier.
No brakes or tares but my hoodie was more like an apron and the helmet was done, unfortunately so was my shoulder. Through the skin and down to white it was stomach turning for those who looked at it, I had the sports ground people patch it up and I played the game before going to hospital so once again be told I was a tool for not coming right away.

3rd is short and sweet, I got cut up by a taxi whilst riding my DT125. When he stopped at the lights up ahead I was raging so approached his window, oddly he didn't want to put the window down to chat. So I used my knuckles to open the window permanently and said my piece before riding off. Guess what... I again tried to fix myself before going to A&E to no avail, I needed quite a few stitches then too.
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Old 04-10-13, 01:38 PM   #49
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From playing Ice-Hockey:

Skating towards another player aiming to hit him and send him flying, unfortunately he had released the puck and therefore I was no longer (rules) to batter into him, I stood up out of a crouched position and relaxed, eyes following the puck and didn't realise a team mate had had the exact same idea as me, just from the opposite directiom. Unfortunately we collided mid-ice face to face. Took a mighty hit, and both of us sprawled out on the ice. Thought nothing of it, until practise a few days later, wound up for a slapshot, hit the puck with all my might and BANG! I got the biggest blackest mind-numbing headache!!! Had to spend the next 2 weeks in bed with curtains shut and a pillow over my face to block out all light. Turns out i had a minor brain injury and still suffer to this day (15 years later) with headaches in a particular spot on my head, quite often brought on by laughing !!!!

Ice Hockey is a dangerous sport
"You know, Scotland has its own martial arts. Yeah, it's called Fuk-U. It's mostly just head butting and then kicking people when they're on the ground"
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Old 04-10-13, 01:57 PM   #50
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Broke my collarbone when I got my foot in the strap of my mums handbag and tried walking out of the front door.

Somehow, at the age of 34 finding out from an MRI scan that at some point between the ages of approx. 5 and 12 I severely broke my pelvis. Not a little break or fracture...the whole bone separated in two, shifted and fused back together. Nobody in the family, myself included can remember me ever having any time as a child where I wasn't riding ever single day, so I must have been hard as nails!!!
2012 Welsh TT
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