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Old 14-08-06, 10:53 PM   #21
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Careful, this may go the way of this previous thread on unrestricted/restricted bikes that is now locked.

I personally think riding an unrestricted bike on a restricted bike is immature and selfish, etc. 33bhp on a light bike is more than enough to out accelerate most cars. But in the end though it's their choice to be illegal and my views won't affect them.
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Old 15-08-06, 05:41 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by Davido
Call me arrogant, stubborn or whatever you want. But the fact is I'm happy with my bike as it is. If I come off, sure I'll be in the sh*t, but then again I may not come off.
How about is someone gnores the laws about property and comes take your bike because they dont think you should be riding one?

How about someone ignores the assault laws and beats the crap out of you becasue they think you are endangering other drivers becasue you have a bad attitude towards other road users.

There ARE nutters out there who will take the law into their own hands - look at the thread about the Drivers using mobile phones "vigilante"

Also there is the fact that police ARE stopping and checking bikes by the roadside in more and more areas.

In my opinion, I think you should go with what the law says, but ultimately its your choice.

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Old 15-08-06, 09:56 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by Davido
Call me arrogant, stubborn or whatever you want. But the fact is I'm happy with my bike as it is. If I come off, sure I'll be in the sh*t, but then again I may not come off.
I'm a novice biker having only been riding for a few months really, but I have a problem with that statement. General rule of thumb, you will come off, it's only a question of when and how! That's why we all (I hope we all do anyway) spend so much on decent gear!

Originally Posted by Davido
"Wise up, get it restricted" Its comments like this that annoy me. I know the risks and am leaving my bike unrestricted knowing full well the consequences, so how that makes me unwise is beyond me. I suppose you mean ill-advised?
I'll-advised? Not at all, quite a few people on this forum have advised against de-restricting your bike.

At the end of the day, you say you know the risks and accept them, so fair play to you. Personally, I have a family to think about (my parents just as much as my children), and there's far too many blind car drivers on the roads. An accident at 30mph could kill someone, but the same accident at 20mph and you might get lucky, the lil kid could just end up with a hospital stay (ok, so that applies more to cars, but you get the point).

Have a browse around this forum (and indeed the internet), take a look at some of the accident pictures & ask yourself if you're prepared to risk that, and damage to your bike, that your insurance company may not pay for because you've unrestricted it, and the courts could do worse than that! I seriously doubt you've seen what a biker looks like after s/he has had a bad accident.
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Old 16-08-06, 11:06 PM   #24
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i would like to join in this debate, im 18, passed test when 17, so im still restricted and i have them in, however

ill give you a senario

i rode a ped at 16, a rs125 at 17, and now my sv at 18, so riding nearly 3 years, and im restricted

mr bloggs could neva have riddne a bike in his life, (or even drove a car,,,,can happen)

he can go along at his age of 29,30 or woteva, do the bike test, das, get an sv, full power and cheaper insurance than us 17-18 yr olds are paying and ride unrestircted with no previous years road sence,

how does this come accross as fair?

(just putting a different side to things)
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Old 17-08-06, 09:50 AM   #25
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They've got to draw the line somewhere, and where it is currently drawn is fairly reasonable IMHO. I think the views of the majority on this forum have been pretty clearly stated, that is to be legal on this issue. Just enjoy the fact that the SV is probably one of the best bikes to have, if you have to be restricted, having all that torque. Then a free upgrade after 2 years. - You've got your whole life ahead of you FFS! some of us are over 30 years old! and still living and enjoying ourselves, there's no need to kill yourself before you're 25. (or have done everything and have nothing to look forward to).

Rant over.
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Old 17-08-06, 09:57 AM   #26
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Whether or not you agree with it the Law is what the Law is and it's only likley to get more oppressive from here

For my 2c it's a bigger risk than you realise, and the consequences of being caught are fairly major. You can also make a 33BHP bike go really rather fast Besides which, if you ARE going to derestrict you bike (And lets not pretend people don't, and I do certainly see their point even if I can't always side with it) Shoving a post up on a forum and arguing with people that disaprove is hardly the smart way forwards
Modern motorcycles are bloody brilliant, enjoy it while we can
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Old 17-08-06, 10:49 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by james160987
i would like to join in this debate, im 18, passed test when 17, so im still restricted and i have them in, however

ill give you a senario

i rode a ped at 16, a rs125 at 17, and now my sv at 18, so riding nearly 3 years, and im restricted

mr bloggs could neva have riddne a bike in his life, (or even drove a car,,,,can happen)

he can go along at his age of 29,30 or woteva, do the bike test, das, get an sv, full power and cheaper insurance than us 17-18 yr olds are paying and ride unrestircted with no previous years road sence,

how does this come accross as fair?

(just putting a different side to things)
Life aint fair - lesson that age will teach.

I am a "Mr Bloggs" in this, tho I have a fair few car miles under my belt - used to drive Aberdeen to Bristol and back in a weekend about once a month - and Aberdeen to Bradford most other weekends - daily commute was 70 mile round trip, in all weathers and all conditions.

I cannot comment on you personally, as I dont know you - I know a lot of 18 year olds who are VERY mature, but I also know a few who are not - and I would have to say that I was probably in that classification myself at 18 - did some REALLY dodgy things in cars back then (one example, high speed stuff on a field which was dark but for headlights, and only realising it was a football pitch AFTER I had slid sideways through the goalposts.)

Will I find myself doing stupid stuff like that on my new bike? I dont think so, mainly because I can now imagine the pain and hurt it would cause my parents, my sister and most of all my wife if I were to get myself killed.

To you, getting on a bike probably involved no thought at all - was probably "Im old enough to get a license so I will" - like I was with my car back then.

I had to give serious thought (over about a month) to doing this, due to responsibilities and talking it through with my wife (who incidentaly has LOADS of miles on the back of a bike under her belt - tho as a pillion) before deciding to go for it.

Please dont see this as a "grow up young man" rant at you - having spent the little time I have on the back of bikes to date, I am seriously regretting that I didn't do this earlier, so am rather envious of you in that respect.

The law IS frequently an ass, but if we each chose which bit to stick to and which bits to ignore, then there may as well be no laws, which would not be a good thing.


PS - one little tip - improve the spelling - doesnt take long, and makes you come across a whole lot better when posting in forums.
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Old 17-08-06, 11:20 AM   #28
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Is your bike on hire purchase? IF so, just think of the repayments that you will still have to make after they write your bike off and not pay you for it, and the insuing court case for being uninsured, and then the court case for Fraud from the hire purchase compnay, that in thier trems and conditions state, that the bike must be fully insured etc.

Is it really worth it? Your choice hommie. Ride safe.
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Old 17-08-06, 09:48 PM   #29
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Ever heard of someone being caught of riding a bike unrestricted?

Ever heard or someone having their insurance invalidated due to not having a kit fitted?

Those who haven't had the restricted license can whinge as muh as they want about how wrong it is but your opinion has no strength in this matter considering you have never had a 33bhp bike knowing fine well it can produce a good bit more. Would you keep your bike restricted? Oh no wait...!! You haven't been in the situation before anyway!! Chances are most people here have an undeclared race can on that has jsut a high a possiblity of voiding your insurance as certain missing washers might.

I say ride how you want to. Chances are insurance won't even question your restriction. And if you do have an accident, get the bike home (presuming you're alive) and get the kit fitted then. Or someone close to you to do this. Not exactly rocket science. Some people on this forum just really love to get on the moral high ground, it's quite horrible really, one of the few reasons why I don't visit this board so much, or single bike model forums as a whole.

But on another note, I know you would become a better rider if you rode the sv at 33bhp for at least a few months. Making use of all the power, learning how to keep up corner speed etc. You'll become a 'faster' rider. I know I enjoyed my 33bhp sv more than I did on the unrestricted one. More fun than my firestorm or ninja gave me.
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Old 18-08-06, 09:29 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by instigator
Ever heard of someone being caught of riding a bike unrestricted?

Ever heard or someone having their insurance invalidated due to not having a kit fitted?

Those who haven't had the restricted license can whinge as muh as they want about how wrong it is but your opinion has no strength in this matter considering you have never had a 33bhp bike knowing fine well it can produce a good bit more. Would you keep your bike restricted? Oh no wait...!! You haven't been in the situation before anyway!! Chances are most people here have an undeclared race can on that has jsut a high a possiblity of voiding your insurance as certain missing washers might.

I say ride how you want to.
First question: Yes.

Second question: Yes.

Paragraph: I had my SV restricted for about a month, and I wanted to derestrict it. So I paid out for the DAS & did things the legal way. Granted that may not be possible in some situations because of age and the law. But as was previously posted, the law is exactly that, the law!

Final sentiment: Exactly my thoughts. Then again, I'm just as likely to ride through London nakied as I am to ride without valid insurance.

Also, my bike is completely stock, except the changes in my sig. No illegal race cans here, and I don't intend on fitting one. My SV is a commuter bike, and I live under bronstrum's rule, I'd prefer not to get the points as it means I'll end up unable to get to work & put food on the table for my family. Also, I never have seen the point in illegal race cans (unless you're on a race circuit), but then, I'm also by no means perfect, and I'm not claiming that I have always stuck to the posted speed limits (that's also not an admission to speeding officer!).

As a collegue of mine said yesterday, just remember, bushes are softer than cars! Rant over.
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