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Old 23-08-06, 10:26 AM   #1
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Default My ride to work this morning

Caught up to 3 Police bikers on my way to work today. They were sitting in a long queue at a roundabout, i.e. not filtering and I had seen them a time before a lot closer to my work, so I just knew I was going to be stuck behind them all the way and be late for work.
Pulled up alongside one at the next traffic lights, lifted the tinted visor and exchanged an "alright"/ "good" with one then followed them as I thought through 2 roundabouts and a traffic light in my direction. Keeping stictly to the 30 limit even doing 25/27.
But eventually reached NSL and what's this? 96 indicated on my speedo. Down to 50 as he passed a 50 sign downhill without even showing any brake lights!. Carried on with some more NSL 90+ antics including overtakes crossing white hatched box centreline dividers (dashed lines on edges). Also hit a short NSL dual carriageway that the lead didn't get past 70 or overtake so got flashed by (instructor?) 2nd!. Until they pulled into a layby and the last one clearly gave me a wave as I overtook.
Not too late at work after all!
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Old 23-08-06, 10:42 AM   #2
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Default Re: My ride to work this morning

Originally Posted by Stu
Caught up to 3 Police bikers on my way to work today. They were sitting in a long queue at a roundabout, i.e. not filtering and I had seen them a time before a lot closer to my work, so I just knew I was going to be stuck behind them all the way and be late for work.
Pulled up alongside one at the next traffic lights, lifted the tinted visor and exchanged an "alright"/ "good" with one then followed them as I thought through 2 roundabouts and a traffic light in my direction. Keeping stictly to the 30 limit even doing 25/27.
But eventually reached NSL and what's this? 96 indicated on my speedo. Down to 50 as he passed a 50 sign downhill without even showing any brake lights!. Carried on with some more NSL 90+ antics including overtakes crossing white hatched box centreline dividers (dashed lines on edges). Also hit a short NSL dual carriageway that the lead didn't get past 70 or overtake so got flashed by (instructor?) 2nd!. Until they pulled into a layby and the last one clearly gave me a wave as I overtook.
Not too late at work after all!
Sounds like you got lucky....

I am guessing that you are right about one being an instructor.

IF they were out on a High-Speed triaining excersise I am guessing that they can get away with near 100mph riding.

However I dont think that you would, your licence and the points on it are governed by how YOU drive, not what someone else did - I picked up 3 pts in my car through a speed trap once (one of the ones where after they have the reading from the gunm his mates follow you and pull you over) and they admitted that the car in front HAD been doing the same speed as me (I know this as I had been 2 seconds off his rear bumper for about 5 miles - it was the "on autopilot, on way to work" type situation) but it had been my bad luck that it was me who was pulled due to there being a gap behind me for them to pull into. They also pointed out that "but he was doing it too (referencing the guy in front" was no excuse - and this was for doing 48 in a 40 (which until a couple of weeks before had been a 60)

Good to see some police that are bikers 1st and coppers second tho

Sent from my PC NOT using any Tapatalk type rubbish!!

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Old 23-08-06, 10:47 AM   #3
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I too was running late for work this morning, 30mins to ride what usually takes an hour *ahem*.

Came off the roundabout at the A55, as per another thread, and picked up another tail. This time it wasn't the Bandit from yesterday, but a learner on a 125. Again, he was sitting in my blind spot, but not as close as the Bandit was, so I moved my position to compensate.

I thought about absolutely tooling it along the back road to work, but then thought that I'd be mature, and keep it steady. No point in showing learners how NOT to ride is there?

So we rode the approx 7miles pretty much bang on the limit, I'd loose him a little in the corners, but let him catch up quite happily. Ended with him parking his bike next to me & having a chat before I went into the office. His words were "Cheers for sticking with me mate, I've learnt quite a bit just by watching you". Humbling words in deed

I rocked into the office a good 20mins late (not bad, 50min journey) & hollered "Apologies for the lateness" to which my boss just replied "Better late than dead, don't worry about it." Gee, I love my boss
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Old 23-08-06, 10:49 AM   #4
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I believe that all Police bike cops are foremost bikers. Otherwise why would they do it? It's a long and selective process to become one and then they're sat on a bike in all sorts of weather and are easy targets for the hit and run brigade. If you treat them with respect you'll find that by and large they enjoy biking. What they don't like are idiots especially on bikes who go killing themselves, thats why they are sometimes harsher on us than the cage drivers.

Slowed down without using brakes. thats because they travel in a lower gear than most of us to give them more control. It does work.
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Old 23-08-06, 10:59 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by petevtwin650

Slowed down without using brakes. thats because they travel in a lower gear than most of us to give them more control. It does work.
And they're not paying for their own fuel!

One other thing, they do ride close together, I didn't feel happy riding as close. And at the first roundabout, i felt the 3rd pulled out well dodgy in front of a van so as not to be separated from his mates.
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Old 23-08-06, 12:19 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Stu
One other thing, they do ride close together, I didn't feel happy riding as close.
If you are riding with people whose style you know, and you know they aren't going to do anything stupid, it is very easy to ride in close formation. Me and MattSV have ridden quite a bit together and I know his riding style and I know where he is going to place himself on the road. We also ride in a formation where it is possible to see each other nearly all of the time. We ride in each others rear quarter (oo'er) so we can always see the road ahead and the front rider can see the rear rider in their mirrors.
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Old 23-08-06, 07:09 PM   #7
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I believe that most coppers are people first
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Old 23-08-06, 07:31 PM   #8
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one of my nieghbours is a met bike cop, very into his bikes, usually has about 5.
always comes over for a chat if i`m doing anything to the bikes, and gets very jelous when we are loading up the bikes for a weekend green laning in wales or the west country (proir to new NERC bill which has now ****ed most of this)
Agree most are well into bikes. (and good riders)
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