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DarrenSV650S 02-09-09 10:45 PM

Re: AR10 Chat
Sounds like it's already been decided

gruntygiggles 02-09-09 10:49 PM

Re: AR10 Chat
Another thing.....I'll always be going to AR's without actually riding as we like to bring the dogs with us and I'm not the only one.......the two AR's that I have been to have seen a fair few people not do the rideout, but come for the social or to look after kids/dogs.

For those of you not doing the rideout itself, there is LOADS to do in the area. The river is a mile away from the hotel and has great access to get down to it for dogs and kids to swim and our dogs did on Sunday. There are lots of activites available like horse riding, quad biking, hiking on the brecons etc and if you like taking photos....this is scenic heaven. The campsite is within an area of outstanding natural beauty.....plenty of places to get fab shots.

Think that it for now!

hovis 02-09-09 10:50 PM

Re: AR10 Chat
thank you GG


gruntygiggles 02-09-09 10:51 PM

Re: AR10 Chat

Originally Posted by DarrenSV650S (Post 2024001)
Sounds like it's already been decided

No, it hasn't.....has to be voted for by you all.......Hovis has just been really looking forward to it and we've both worked hard getting the proposal ready, so we're trying to sell it the best we


Bluefish 02-09-09 10:52 PM

Re: AR10 Chat
get's my vote, unless one in scotland appears, then it would be 50/50.
great work guys.

Spiderman 02-09-09 10:55 PM

Re: AR10 Chat

Originally Posted by DarrenSV650S (Post 2024001)
Sounds like it's already been decided


We've only had the one proposal so far so its not been decided by a long shot. Its a very impressive proposal for sure but we have a lot of very impressive members on the Org. Hovis and crew have set the bar high for the competition tho, i'll agree with that.

However, just look at the banner competition. The bar was set high on that early on too yet the brilliant submissions just keep coming in. The Org is a veritable field of talent :)

DarrenSV650S 02-09-09 11:06 PM

Re: AR10 Chat
hmm yeh sure :rolleyes:

hovis 02-09-09 11:11 PM

Re: AR10 Chat

Originally Posted by DarrenSV650S (Post 2024025)
hmm yeh sure :rolleyes:

whats that mean?

if your not happy arange to run the AR. then it will go to a vote


DarrenSV650S 02-09-09 11:13 PM

Re: AR10 Chat
I'm not bothered. Probably wont be going anyway

Just sounds like it's pretty much decided :)

Spiderman 02-09-09 11:17 PM

Re: AR10 Chat

Originally Posted by DarrenSV650S (Post 2024032)
I'm not bothered. Probably wont be going anyway

Just sounds like it's pretty much decided :)

Thats a pretty defeatist attitude.

hovis 02-09-09 11:18 PM

Re: AR10 Chat

Originally Posted by DarrenSV650S (Post 2024032)
I'm not bothered. Probably wont be going anyway

oh a trouble maker, im going to have to get used to being at the reciving end:p

Originally Posted by DarrenSV650S (Post 2024032)
Just sounds like it's pretty much decided :)

well if nobody else puts anything forward, yes i guess it is decided.........
but the thraeds only been running for a few hours

davepreston 02-09-09 11:21 PM

Re: AR10 Chat
do we have a time scale here at all eg proposals in by bla bla bla
cos i see hovis's seems time critical and a put up or shut up date may be the way ahead

Binky 02-09-09 11:25 PM

Re: AR10 Chat
Not read ALL of the posts, but i'm going to back Hovis all the way here i think.

Binky reporting for duty. :salut:

gruntygiggles 02-09-09 11:28 PM

Re: AR10 Chat

Originally Posted by DarrenSV650S (Post 2024032)
I'm not bothered. Probably wont be going anyway

Just sounds like it's pretty much decided :)

Give the other Orgers a chace Darren. I know it may seem like it's a done deal as we've put up a pretty much finished proposal...the price is going up now, but it's far from decided. It only been open a few hours and I'll take this opportunity to say this:-

Organising any event for the kind of numbers the AR's get is not an easy thing to do. Hovis is one of the rare breed that wanted to volunteer as he knows how fantastic the roads are in Wales and wanted to share them. I happened upon an amazing venue and as I'd offered to help if it was going to be in Wales, we've put the proposal together.

Other Orgers might be deciding if it's something they want to do given the amount of crap that always ensues and so it make take a few days for other proposals to come forward. If they don' point complaining, just be glad that Hovis has put this forward so we all have somewhere to go.

This isn't a sig at you Darren....I can understand why you think that.....but it's a point that I thin was worth making. Lets just wait and see eh...that's what Hovis and I are doing! :-)

hovis 02-09-09 11:29 PM

Re: AR10 Chat

Originally Posted by davepreston (Post 2024038)
do we have a time scale here at all eg proposals in by bla bla bla
cos i see hovis's seems time critical and a put up or shut up date may be the way ahead

i would like that, but i dont want to put other people off, like i said, if anybody thinks they can organise somthing, just say your intrested NOW, if theres no one else wanting to plan it, we can get things rolling.....

Originally Posted by Binky (Post 2024040)
Not read ALL of the posts, but i'm going to back Hovis all the way here i think.

Binky reporting for duty. :salut:


Binky 02-09-09 11:30 PM

Re: AR10 - Your Proposals

Originally Posted by arcdef (Post 2023978)
Anything Welsh gets my vote, north being much much much better.

Are you sure? I'd say it's pretty much all good. Thought the south is less Nazi.

hovis 02-09-09 11:32 PM

Re: AR10 Chat

Originally Posted by gruntygiggles (Post 2024041)
the price is going up now, ! :-)

as in we are about to post the price, we are not raising it

gruntygiggles 02-09-09 11:34 PM

Re: AR10 Chat

Originally Posted by hovis (Post 2024045)
as in we are about to post the price, we are not raising it

Haha......nope.....dropping it ;-)

hovis 02-09-09 11:35 PM

Re: AR10 Chat
its £15per person for the weekend,

we are not going to make any money out of this, all money will be acounted for and any left will either go to the running of the org, or a charity chosen by everyone

dogs and kids free........ i think? we might have to charge 50p for the big horse dog as he takes up more room than most of us

gruntygiggles 02-09-09 11:38 PM

Re: AR10 Chat

Originally Posted by hovis (Post 2024047)
its £15per person for the weekend,

we are not going to make any money out of this, all money will be acounted for and any left will either go to the running of the org, or a charity chosen by everyone

dogs and kids free

Oh.....there's a water tap in the field, there's chemical waste disposal for those who would come in a caravan/campervan etc as well.

gruntygiggles 02-09-09 11:39 PM

Re: AR10 Chat

Originally Posted by hovis (Post 2024047)
its £15per person for the weekend,

we are not going to make any money out of this, all money will be acounted for and any left will either go to the running of the org, or a charity chosen by everyone

dogs and kids free........ i think? we might have to charge 50p for the big horse dog as he takes up more room than most of us

We'd just provide giant poo bags and gloves so that Ophic doesn't get himself in a mess again!

Ed 02-09-09 11:49 PM

Re: AR10 Chat
That part of Wales really is excellent.

Wherever we go, is it time to recognise that, given the size of the likely attendance, a one size fits all approach is now getting inappropriate. Some will no doubt want to go fast. Some prefer a more sedate pace. Faster riders won't want to wait for slower ones, and slower peeps will feel pressurised into riding faster than they really want to. Should we have two starts?

Just a thought.


Binky 02-09-09 11:51 PM

Re: AR10 Chat
Have you got a route penned yet Hovis?

hovis 02-09-09 11:51 PM

Re: AR10 Chat

Originally Posted by Ed (Post 2024053)
That part of Wales really is excellent.

Wherever we go, is it time to recognise that, given the size of the likely attendance, a one size fits all approach is now getting inappropriate. Some will no doubt want to go fast. Some prefer a more sedate pace. Faster riders won't want to wait for slower ones, and slower peeps will feel pressurised into riding faster than they really want to. Should we have two starts?

Just a thought.



sorry to be blunt, but there is no need, plus its hard enough trying to sort 1 rideout, never mind 2,

that would get messy IMO

hovis 02-09-09 11:52 PM

Re: AR10 Chat

Originally Posted by Binky (Post 2024055)
Have you got a route penned yet Hovis?

indeed i have

i like it, but it neeeds aproving by the reccie team, which will be sooooon:smt039

Spiderman 03-09-09 12:11 AM

Re: AR10 Chat

Originally Posted by Ed (Post 2024053)
That part of Wales really is excellent.

Wherever we go, is it time to recognise that, given the size of the likely attendance, a one size fits all approach is now getting inappropriate. Some will no doubt want to go fast. Some prefer a more sedate pace. Faster riders won't want to wait for slower ones, and slower peeps will feel pressurised into riding faster than they really want to. Should we have two starts?

Just a thought.


An issue that often comes up this one. The AR always has been and i hope always will be an event that is open to all comers, whether they've been riding for a week or 50yrs. Its always designed to be a fairly sedate bimble about so newcomers never feel excluded or out of their depth. The marker system we have in place ensures no one feels rushed and everyone can take as long as they like to get round without feeling pressured to keep up with those in front of them, safe in the knowledge that there will always be a marker ahead of them waiting to point them in the right direction and a Tail End Charlie behind them making sure they are OK and riding at a pace they feel comfortable with.

A few people always want to ride faster of course and there are bits on most ARs that allow for this, even if it is brief, or they can do as myself and a few
others did this year and stay and extra day and go for a ride with others who feel the same way on roads they are now also a little more familiar with.

Personally i feel the camaraderie of the ride part of the event would be lost if we had separated groups.

Tara 03-09-09 06:50 AM

Re: AR10 Chat
i gotta agree with Hovis from the other thread can we have it in June this time in 2008 it rained (July) June seems to get the better weather

Bluefish 03-09-09 06:59 AM

Re: AR10 Chat
hovis and gg, and anybody else thinking of putting up a proposal, you better book the weather now, in fact lets have it in southern spain cos weathers crap here, lol.

petevtwin650 03-09-09 07:12 AM

Re: AR10 Chat
Didn't think Hovis should be thinking of organising an AR as he's been stressing big time about the TT weekend coming up soon.

However the proposed site is pretty damn good, at first glance at least. With facilities for everyone from campers, to bunkhouse folk to own roomers. It's in a lovely location with,for us, a nice ride to it. Near a Motorway, but with excellent riding roads and superb scenery. Just the lunch stop to be organised. Somewhere with lots of eateries and preferably scenic or pleasant to stop at.

Good job guys :cool:

Oh yeah, and please not in the school holidays.

gruntygiggles 03-09-09 07:12 AM

Re: AR10 Chat

Originally Posted by bluefishman (Post 2024094)
hovis and gg, and anybody else thinking of putting up a proposal, you better book the weather now, in fact lets have it in southern spain cos weathers crap here, lol.

Good job we have a bar at our venue big enough to fit us all in with ease then just have to get voted in.

I can speak to the hotel again to ask about posible weekends in June as I asked about July/August, but he did say that the three weekend dates I've been given were the only ones available. I'll find out and we can let you know if and when the time comes that we are voted in.

As for the rideout, I think it would ruin the AR if we split the groups. I fully understand what Ed is saying, however.....The AR is an all inclusive event, as Spidey has said so eloquently. We must keep it that way and Hovis is working very hard on the route and ways in which it can be customised and changed if necessary to make the ride a comfortable one for all.

I too have mentioned the possibility of a Sunday ride and I really think that if people did that, they would get an even better experience of these incredible roads and whatever pace suits them.

hovis 03-09-09 07:19 AM

Re: AR10 Chat

Originally Posted by petevtwin650 (Post 2024101)
Didn't think Hovis should be thinking of organising an AR as he's been stressing big time about the TT weekend coming up soon.



no im not,

im just trying to please everyone regarding food, i relised thats not going to happen due to people ariving at differnt times, its sorted, bbq will be lit on the friday at about 7ish, unless its raining

petevtwin650 03-09-09 07:26 AM

Re: AR10 Chat

Originally Posted by hovis (Post 2024108)

no im not,

im just trying to please everyone regarding food, i relised thats not going to happen due to people ariving at differnt times, its sorted, bbq will be lit on the friday at about 7ish, unless its raining

Yes you were mate. About booking the bunkhouse in the first place for instance.

You don't always take on board what people tell you either.

However if you have a good supporting team around you then go for it

gruntygiggles 03-09-09 07:30 AM

Re: AR10 Chat
Okidoke.............regarding PeteVTwins post on the Proposal goes!

What's written on the website doesn't completely count for us as we are a rally. That is why we have exclusive use of the private bar, free of charge and also why I have been able to arrange that dogs and kids are free.

To repeat......DOGS AND CHILDREN ARE FREE! :-)

The hotel is being very obliging and yes, they do offer breakfast for campers, but that does not apply to a rally of 100+ people. They could potentially have a system where you could book in advance, but I am working on some on site catering for the camping field that would supply a breakfast, drinks etc at a much lower cost than the hotels, so when I have it finalised, I will get those details up tomorrow. When I do, I will re-point the map to show where that would be as well. If that comes through, which I think it will, it will mean on site food and drinks all having to wait for anything and all the food will be local, produced by farmers just a few miles from camp.

hovis 03-09-09 07:33 AM

Re: AR10 Chat

Originally Posted by petevtwin650 (Post 2024113)
Yes you were mate. About booking the bunkhouse in the first place for instance.

that was because i phoed 10 diferant places and they were all full,

Originally Posted by petevtwin650 (Post 2024113)
You don't always take on board what people tell you either.

not sure what you mean there, but you cant please all the people all the time.

Originally Posted by petevtwin650 (Post 2024113)
However if you have a good supporting team around you then go for it

i have;)

gruntygiggles 03-09-09 07:34 AM

Re: AR10 Chat

Originally Posted by petevtwin650 (Post 2024113)
Yes you were mate. About booking the bunkhouse in the first place for instance.

You don't always take on board what people tell you either.

However if you have a good supporting team around you then go for it

He's always taken on board anything I've heard people say to him, so I don't really understand that, but this AR organising isn't and shouldn't be about pointing out other peoples possible flaws........we're trying to organise a fab weekend for all and so far.....its looking superfab. Hovis has been chilled as a chilled thing in the land of

Hey Pete......if we have it in'll be like bringing Larry to see all his long lost relatives ;-)

maviczap 03-09-09 07:39 AM

Re: AR10 Chat

Originally Posted by Ed (Post 2024053)
That part of Wales really is excellent.

Wherever we go, is it time to recognise that, given the size of the likely attendance, a one size fits all approach is now getting inappropriate. Some will no doubt want to go fast. Some prefer a more sedate pace. Faster riders won't want to wait for slower ones, and slower peeps will feel pressurised into riding faster than they really want to. Should we have two starts?

Just a thought.


Having attended my first AR this year and i was concerned that I wouldn't be able to keep up with the pace. But it wasn't the case and because of the great organisation and size of the group, it wasn't really possible for the fast riders to go too far ahead. The marshalling was great, so us slower riders didn't get lost and having a TEC ensured any stragglers were rounded up to make each stop for fuel etc.

I just let the fast riders go past me if they wanted to and apart from one rider being asked to modify his riding style, everyone rode safe.

So all that needs to make next years ride out a success is the same process and planning that went into this years ride out.

I wouldn't want two groups as you'd need double the number of marshalls, which would place a big strain on the organiser(s) to arrange

fizzwheel 03-09-09 07:49 AM

Re: AR10 Chat

Originally Posted by Tara (Post 2024087)
i gotta agree with Hovis from the other thread can we have it in June this time in 2008 it rained (July) June seems to get the better weather

The date will be whenever you guys decide you want it. However I believe Hovis' proposal has constraints against the date as the hotel only has a few weekends free for next year. So they choice maybe limited.

IMHO it'll be best to sort the date out once we know where we are going.

As for the rideout itself, the facilities, the exact details, guys its at least 10 - 12 months for all this to be sorted out. Its ages away do we really need to start nit picking / discussing the small exacting details of the weekend ?

I really dont want this to degenerate again into bickering and moaning and complaining. So rather than picking holes or moaning its to far away or posting "I want to go here" comments, why not have a think about what you could offer in your area and put a proposal up

Nothing is set in stone, nothing is decided, nothing is pre planned or arranged

Its your forum, its your weekend, you as a community are deciding what we do. If we only get one proposal well IMHO we'd be daft not to take it, if we get more than one we will vote simple as.

gruntygiggles 03-09-09 07:59 AM

Re: AR10 Chat
+1 Fizz. For the Wales proposal, I can possibly get a few more dates, but whenever it is, there will be people that are happy and people that are not. That's what happens when things go to a vote, but the voting system is the best option by far. At least by getting it sorted sooner rather than later, all proposed venues will be able to offer Orgers the best possible chance of getting the time off work!

petevtwin650 03-09-09 08:04 AM

Re: AR10 Chat

Originally Posted by gruntygiggles (Post 2024116)
Okidoke.............regarding PeteVTwins post on the Proposal goes!

What's written on the website doesn't completely count for us as we are a rally. That is why we have exclusive use of the private bar, free of charge and also why I have been able to arrange that dogs and kids are free.

To repeat......DOGS AND CHILDREN ARE FREE! :-)

The hotel is being very obliging and yes, they do offer breakfast for campers, but that does not apply to a rally of 100+ people. They could potentially have a system where you could book in advance, but I am working on some on site catering for the camping field that would supply a breakfast, drinks etc at a much lower cost than the hotels, so when I have it finalised, I will get those details up tomorrow. When I do, I will re-point the map to show where that would be as well. If that comes through, which I think it will, it will mean on site food and drinks all having to wait for anything and all the food will be local, produced by farmers just a few miles from camp.

My post, which was snipped from the Hotels own website, was done to show that brekkie was available. I'm sure nowhere near 100 people will partake of it, either due to cost or the timing.

The other snip showed that dormitories are available and also rooms, which I believe was not mentioned in the original proposal.

Obviously prices shown could possibly vary due to bulk booking which is all to the good. :D

I'm not picking at anything, just trying to show how all round perfect the site and location appear to be.

gruntygiggles 03-09-09 08:20 AM

Re: AR10 Chat

Originally Posted by petevtwin650 (Post 2024137)
My post, which was snipped from the Hotels own website, was done to show that brekkie was available. I'm sure nowhere near 100 people will partake of it, either due to cost or the timing.

The other snip showed that dormitories are available and also rooms, which I believe was not mentioned in the original proposal.

Obviously prices shown could possibly vary due to bulk booking which is all to the good. :D

I'm not picking at anything, just trying to show how all round perfect the site and location appear to be.

I for one was pleased you posted that Pete as it highlighted some of the things I had forgotten to add. Hovis and I have discussed it so much, I forget what I've told him and what I've actually put on the

Didn't think you were picking at all, I was simply answering the points raised.

Not everyone reads everything, so wanted to point out about Dogs and Kids to make it clear.

As for brekkie, yep......hotel does provide and it's a great cost, but I will probably post nearer the time asking people to support the on site catering as much as they can as they'll be giving subsidising the menu hugely for us as a favour and it would be good to support the local farms.

I thought I had mentioned about the dorm accommodation? If not.....ooops, I know I told Hovis about it. All just makes the venue even better though.....not just somewhere to sleep.....but a choice of where to sleep. Not just somewhere to eat, but a choice of where to eat:smt040

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