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NTECUK 28-08-14 05:29 PM

Re: Gripe of the day - What is yours?

Originally Posted by Red Herring (Post 2976117)
Oooo, that's a bit sweeping. You make it sound as if medicine is an exact science and there is a treatment on the shelf so sort out every complaint. How about if it is the job that is causing the issue?

Worn out knee joint. (ostio arthritis)
Fix temporary flush out the rubbish and smooth off the bone.
10-15 year fix
Fit a new one.
Done job.

Don't do it. Can't get out to walk or walk the dog, ride my push iron. Get fat (this is already an issue after 1 1/2 years wait.
Get heart desiases diabetes etc. It's going to cost more.

kaivalagi 28-08-14 05:43 PM

Re: Gripe of the day - What is yours?
Does he think you need a desk job? For gawd sake, your chosen profession has not caused, just ditch everything you've worked towards for a sitting down job cause they don't want to do a proper job? That's how that reads to me

NTECUK 28-08-14 05:56 PM

Re: Gripe of the day - What is yours?

Originally Posted by kaivalagi (Post 2976125)
Is this your knee? So just standing up in your job role for a lot of the time working on vehicles is not the right thing to be doing for your legs? Am I over simplifying? What actions in your job can seriously cause you problems...assuming it's your knee of cause!

While I can understand standing and walking around does wear it out more and lifting the odd wheel etc is probably more than a office job involves.
Suggesting at 52 I'd get a job in a office doing whatever is a joke.
I do understand they shoot horses. Maybe this is his next suggestion.

kaivalagi 28-08-14 06:22 PM

Re: Gripe of the day - What is yours?
Gotta be the most justified gripe on this thread so far!

Red Herring 28-08-14 08:17 PM

Re: Gripe of the day - What is yours?
So what reason have you been given for not doing it? Orthopaedic consultants generally have a fairly good idea of what they are doing and if they are not prepared to give you a knee replacement at 52 years old then there is usually a good reason for it.

NTECUK 28-08-14 09:22 PM

Re: Gripe of the day - What is yours?
Too young honest...... 52
He actually said that I need to look at the next ten years.
He also said that having don the clear out and profile of the joint he had not been very successful.
Well put me in touch with someone who can.

Red Herring 28-08-14 09:41 PM

Re: Gripe of the day - What is yours?
I'm sure he also explained to you then that a knee replacement is a major operation and not one that can be necessarily repeated successfully due to scar tissue. This is why they will generally leave it until there is no other option. The fact that he wasn't very successful with the work that was carried out may not be a reflection of his ability, it could just as easily be down to the state of your knee. Cleaning out the joint is never going to replace the worn cartilage, it may simply help relieve some of the symptoms, sometimes. If only medicine was as simplistic as some people would have you believe.

NTECUK 29-08-14 06:29 AM

Re: Gripe of the day - What is yours?
Yes, some of this might have merit if it was the only option, but no.
My knee is like this

So all it needs is a procedure developed to put some sudo caltlidge back in.
I'm going to just ring the surgeon secretary who pioneered this and see if I can just get it done without a referral

Red Herring 29-08-14 08:28 AM

Re: Gripe of the day - What is yours?
Good luck.

Richie 29-08-14 09:26 AM

Re: Gripe of the day - What is yours?
My gripe of today is polish lorry drivers...... te one's that don't look in their mirros to see if any body is there and just set off very nearly taking the front end of my company car... had to reverse quickly was could see the trailer getting closer as he turned right infront of me... Ducking Idot =0/

NTECUK 29-08-14 09:34 AM

Re: Gripe of the day - What is yours?
Look in the mirror to see what carnage you caused

ManMango 29-08-14 10:59 AM

Re: Gripe of the day - What is yours?
Associated to the previous gripe

When you go to Docs with an injury or a sore joint etc

They ask you if you play any sport.

As soon as they hear I power lift they instantly drop any investigation and blame it on the weight lifting even though if they where educated on the subject they would know its probably one of the healthiest and safest power/strength exercises you can do(as long as you keep your ego in check). It works wonder for the joints and its extremely hard to hurt yourself unless you are not following good practice and doing the normal safety checks, are the pins secure? is the right weight loaded on? is the bar set to the right height?

It would damage my joints more to go for a 20 minute jog each day :/

Red Herring 29-08-14 11:03 AM

Re: Gripe of the day - What is yours?
My gripe of the day, people who slag off an entire profession based on their limited experience with a very small percentage of them. How about using "he" or "she" rather than "they". Only a small request but changes the entire inference of your post.

Matt-EUC 29-08-14 11:31 AM

Gripe of the day - What is yours?
My gripe of the day, people who make perfectly valid and reasonable requests. B@stards.

And people who'd rather have their wife sleep in the camper with them than some fat bloke off a forum they've only met once. Total ar5e holes.


Red Herring 29-08-14 11:51 AM

Re: Gripe of the day - What is yours?
Yeah, that's me.... Look at it on the bright side, I'll still throw you a bacon butty in the morning if you promise to check your oil before the ride out....!

ManMango 29-08-14 12:04 PM

Re: Gripe of the day - What is yours?
Sorry I wasn't slagging off an entire profession just one VERY SMALL part of there job where they shouldn't jump to conclusions without any medical evidence behind it (''oh you put your body weight on your shoulders and squat down 5x5 x3 times a week? That MUST be the problem'')

This has happened twice to me and once to a friend, also I have read reports in my online community for lifting advising to simply not tell your doctor you weight lift for that exact reason. I do tell my Doc because I understand that lying could obstruct a resolution in some cases. I also understand where they were coming from because no one is going to say ''Hey Doc I power lift oh and I also do it wrong'' but there are hundreds of things you can do wrong which can cause a muscle/joint ache or injury other than lifting. Lifting is seen to be the very worst thing you can do to your body when in reality it is much the opposite.

NTECUK 29-08-14 12:06 PM

Re: Gripe of the day - What is yours?
People who make bacon butties when you are trying to loose weight

Littlepeahead 29-08-14 12:36 PM

Re: Gripe of the day - What is yours?
I had a bone spur in my heel, I think the surgeon was joking when he said it was my fault for spending a lot of time with fast bowlers as it's a common injury for them and I must have somehow 'caught' the condition since I've never bowled a ball in my life.

NTECUK 29-08-14 01:08 PM

Re: Gripe of the day - What is yours?'s related to fascination with wolverine :)

Littlepeahead 01-09-14 06:41 AM

Re: Gripe of the day - What is yours?
People who go camping and leave their mobile phone on so that every time their girlfriend texts them in the middle of the night or someone posts on the Org their mobile makes an annoying alert sound at 2am, 3am, 4am etc keeping others awake while they snore on drunk and oblivious. Considering I had a large claw hammer by my pillow and was very grumpy by 5am they are lucky to be alive.

NTECUK 01-09-14 08:27 AM

Re: Gripe of the day - What is yours?
People who do 50 in a NSL. Then when you are in a 30 and obeying the posted re pass you doing twice the limit

Matt-EUC 01-09-14 08:28 AM

Gripe of the day - What is yours?
Commonly referred to around here as the "40mph club" they will do 40 EVERYWHERE!!

Spank86 01-09-14 08:35 AM

Re: Gripe of the day - What is yours?

Originally Posted by NTECUK (Post 2976675)
People who do 50 in a NSL. Then when you are in a 30 and obeying the posted re pass you doing twice the limit

They weren't in a van were they?

Red Herring 01-09-14 08:53 AM

Re: Gripe of the day - What is yours?

Originally Posted by Littlepeahead (Post 2976658)
....Considering I had a large claw hammer by my pillow and was very grumpy by 5am they are lucky to be alive.

In that case you are to be congratulated for getting it all together again by 8am because by then you were excellent company.....;)

NTECUK 01-09-14 09:15 AM

Re: Gripe of the day - What is yours?

Originally Posted by Spank86 (Post 2976679)
They weren't in a van were they?

Nope on a red bandit.
And yes you did get the finger as I passed you again on the other side of the 30.
Get a bus pass

Littlepeahead 01-09-14 09:58 AM

Re: Gripe of the day - What is yours?

Originally Posted by Red Herring (Post 2976684)
In that case you are to be congratulated for getting it all together again by 8am because by then you were excellent company.....;)

I can just about manage 2 nights without any sleep, and a 165 mile rideout as TEC in the middle. That c0ck at 5am wasn't welcome either.

atassiedevil 01-09-14 10:04 AM

Re: Gripe of the day - What is yours?
Especially on a dual carriageway, in the overtaking lane.


Originally Posted by Matt-EUC (Post 2976676)
Commonly referred to around here as the "40mph club" they will do 40 EVERYWHERE!!

Bri w 01-09-14 10:39 AM

Re: Gripe of the day - What is yours?

Originally Posted by Matt-EUC (Post 2976676)
Commonly referred to around here as the "40mph club" they will do 40 EVERYWHERE!!

My Entertainments Prevention Officer(wife) drives like that. 'kin frightning.

Spank86 01-09-14 11:44 AM

Re: Gripe of the day - What is yours?

Originally Posted by NTECUK (Post 2976694)
Nope on a red bandit.
And yes you did get the finger as I passed you again on the other side of the 30.
Get a bus pass

Maybe they've been riding on the 272.

the locals have been complaining about bikers "riding slowly through the villages and then opening it up on the NSL bits"...

Obviously they'd prefer it the other way around :D


Originally Posted by Littlepeahead (Post 2976700)
That c0ck at 5am wasn't welcome either.

Well if you will put your keys in the bowl you can't complain about whoever picks them out

Sir Trev 01-09-14 11:46 AM

Re: Gripe of the day - What is yours?
Two-hats on any type of bike (this one was a BMW) who are super confident, completely ignore the speed limits everywhere and don't care if you're inconvenienced/taken by surprise as long as they are having a good time. When you blast past just an inch from people with no warning it scares the crap out of them, me included, and I had seen you about 5 seconds before you were on top of my back wheel only because your stupid accessory lights were absolutely blinding in my mirrors. So to recap, you drive like an idiot, giving the rest of us a bad name, you scream up behind us making everyone nervous, you blast by only just missing everyone in some pathetic macho posturing way and you wonder why other road users take avoiding action and make hand gestures at you. Utter knob.

NTECUK 01-09-14 12:04 PM

Re: Gripe of the day - What is yours?

Originally Posted by Spank86 (Post 2976712)
Maybe they've been riding on the 272.

the locals have been complaining about bikers "riding slowly through the villages and then opening it up on the NSL bits"...

Obviously they'd prefer it the other way around :D

The Finchingfield parish council moaned about the motorcyclists using the village and speeding through it.
So they set up a camera van.
Didn't catch one bike, but did catch 3 councillor's, most of the cricket team too.

maviczap 01-09-14 12:45 PM

Re: Gripe of the day - What is yours?

Originally Posted by NTECUK (Post 2976720)
The Finchingfield parish council moaned about the motorcyclists using the village and speeding through it.
So they set up a camera van.
Didn't catch one bike, but did catch 3 councillor's, most of the cricket team too.

Is that a gripe?

Bibio 01-09-14 12:45 PM

Re: Gripe of the day - What is yours?
bikers that ride at 50mph and you have to overtake them then they moan about it as your up their arzz and invading their space.

Amadeus 01-09-14 01:17 PM

Re: Gripe of the day - What is yours?
Cyclists riding 2 a breast. I don't understand the reasoning and all it does is make it more difficult to overtake them

maviczap 01-09-14 01:23 PM

Re: Gripe of the day - What is yours?
In the Highway code it says that don't ride more than 2 abreast, out of courteousness & safety we'll go into single file when we hear a vehicle behind us.

As to the reason its so we can talk to each other on a pleasant day out, which you can't do if you're riding single file.

If you want to moan, have a go at horse riders, riding 2 abreast down the road

Spank86 01-09-14 01:39 PM

Re: Gripe of the day - What is yours?

Originally Posted by NTECUK (Post 2976720)
The Finchingfield parish council moaned about the motorcyclists using the village and speeding through it.
So they set up a camera van.
Didn't catch one bike, but did catch 3 councillor's, most of the cricket team too.

I remember a police officer saying that when a village complains about speeders they set up a camera there and catch people from the next village down... then they set up the camera in the next village and catch the original complainers.

NTECUK 01-09-14 01:41 PM

Re: Gripe of the day - What is yours?

Originally Posted by maviczap (Post 2976737)
Is that a gripe?

nope just a reply to Spanks post

Amadeus 01-09-14 01:41 PM

Re: Gripe of the day - What is yours?

Originally Posted by maviczap (Post 2976756)
out of courteousness & safety we'll go into single file when we hear a vehicle behind us.

That didn't happen yesterday when I went out and was stuck behind about 10 cars (I was in my car) because of cyclists riding 2 a breast.
I *think* the highway code says that a vehicle causing a queue to form should pull over where possible to let faster traffic past. I think this is aimed at tractors etc but it applies to all.


Originally Posted by maviczap (Post 2976756)
If you want to moan, have a go at horse riders, riding 2 abreast down the road

This is my gripe of the day. The point of this thread. I'm sure not every gripe here is agreed upon by all. :o

It's a matter of being considerate to others, no more.

garynortheast 01-09-14 02:54 PM

Re: Gripe of the day - What is yours?
Life? Don't talk to me about life......

Spank86 01-09-14 03:28 PM

Re: Gripe of the day - What is yours?

Originally Posted by garynortheast (Post 2976786)
Life? Don't talk to me about life......

You probably shouldn't hang around with Des'ree then.

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