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orose 05-06-11 02:28 PM

Fuel range to empty
Following on from the fuel light thread (and the first-class fuel consumption that is the Cagiva Raptor under the dizzy blonde one), I just wanted to check in and see what people thought their range to empty is going to be.

There is a fuel stop in the current route plan (and no, you can't have a sneak preview - it's a surprise) after 90 miles, and we're starting at a fuel station as well. I'd like to hope that would be enough for even the most thirsty of you, as even my KTM will make it round in one tank despite people telling me it drinks fuel.

Do I need to rethink anything?

andrewsmith 05-06-11 02:34 PM

Re: Fuel range to empty
if you give yours a handfull about 110 if your lucky.
Whats the bulk of the route straights, twisties or twisty twisties?

I'd be looking for fuel around 120 miles, panicing at 140, syphoning at 150

orose 05-06-11 02:45 PM

Re: Fuel range to empty
Twisty tending to very twisty, only one decent straight. Some sections of excessive sheep though, so speeds will be variable up there.

dizzyblonde 05-06-11 02:46 PM

Re: Fuel range to empty
You will have to wait and see. You don't get straight roads in Yorkshire....thats all I'm gonna tell you!

andrewsmith 05-06-11 04:06 PM

Re: Fuel range to empty
so its:

10 points for pheasants
100 points for sheep
1,000 points for sheep tied to back of bike :lol:

dizzyblonde 05-06-11 04:18 PM

Re: Fuel range to empty
You forgot to add

10,000 points for deer

and a round of applause for deer tied to back of bike for dinner ;)

punyXpress 05-06-11 05:25 PM

Re: Fuel range to empty
From recce thread:
" Fuel: tell peeps & db that there is fuel @ Richmond ( on the right as we drop in ) & they can use part of their lunch stop to refuel & meet back at Co-op. That'll hold the front ends down! :wink: If they don't use this, they are on their own in the wilderness that lies west of Tan Hill! :smt072 "

andrewsmith 05-06-11 05:57 PM

Re: Fuel range to empty

Originally Posted by dizzyblonde (Post 2551183)
You forgot to add

10,000 points for deer

and a round of applause for deer tied to back of bike for dinner ;)

Isn't Mr Preston building a trike atm? :rolleyes:

fenjer 06-06-11 08:43 AM

Re: Fuel range to empty
I can get 157mile til the fuel light is on, with another 20 or so after that on my SV.

With some fairly spirited riding.

-Ralph- 06-06-11 09:09 AM

Re: Fuel range to empty
Are you asking what peoples maximum fuel range is, or asking if there's anybody that can't manage this?


Originally Posted by orose (Post 2551126)
There is a fuel stop in the current route plan (and no, you can't have a sneak preview - it's a surprise) after 90 miles, and we're starting at a fuel station as well. I'd like to hope that would be enough for even the most thirsty of you

dizzyblonde 06-06-11 09:48 AM

Re: Fuel range to empty
Probably both. I was confident I'd get the mileage out of VRap, judgng by previous trips out. This route threw up a totally different MPG because of the type of roads that I hadn't ridden on my adventure........draining it dry rather quick!

Lesson learnt, don't presume yer bike will get you there like it usually does....go on its worse case scenario, cause then you won't be waiting for YC to bring that jerry can, fill up when theres opportunity(look for me disappearing into a station).

-Ralph- 06-06-11 09:52 AM

Re: Fuel range to empty
OK, Daytona can do 165 miles before the light comes on and the XT can do about 130 before hitting reserve, both on motorway runs. I've seen that drop to 130 miles on the Daytona and 100 miles on the XT.

AndyBrad 06-06-11 12:29 PM

Re: Fuel range to empty
120 to the light (100 on those roads with that exhaust)

Bibio 06-06-11 04:38 PM

Re: Fuel range to empty
thrashing the nutzz of it on back roads round here (which is much like the back roads in north yorkiland) then its 160 till light starts to flash.

peterco 09-06-11 01:56 PM

Re: Fuel range to empty
I'am looking at around 180miles before the light come's on,thats mixed riding.

Dave20046 09-06-11 02:07 PM

Re: Fuel range to empty

Reeder 09-06-11 02:31 PM

Re: Fuel range to empty
100-110 before light, but that's riding alone & a lot faster than will be done on the AR no doubt.

hongman 10-06-11 09:40 PM

Re: Fuel range to empty
130ish before light on twisty's. Only once did I dare run it til blinking fuel light (or is it the other way round), no idea how much is left after that!

JamesMio 10-06-11 10:14 PM

Re: Fuel range to empty
100 till the warning light, then I've only ever been brave enough to nurse another 20 miles or so on top of that. Anything over 100 miles between fuel stops makes me twitchy...

orose 11-06-11 06:17 AM

Re: Fuel range to empty
Good good... from what I'm seeing, I've still got a bit of room to play with then when I'm adjusting the route. Currently, the only scheduled fuel stop is 90 miles from the start although the first section may need further adjustment - I hadn't found a road that Google Street View hadn't been down until I made my latest revision...

dizzyblonde 11-06-11 07:57 AM

Re: Fuel range to empty

Originally Posted by JamesMio (Post 2555256)
100 till the warning light, then I've only ever been brave enough to nurse another 20 miles or so on top of that. Anything over 100 miles between fuel stops makes me twitchy...

Someone else like me then.
I can bet a shiny penny you won't get 100 on this8-[

tonyk 24-06-11 12:13 PM

fuel range for motor bikes.....
No need to discuss, just add a vote, and we'll see how far we can go before people's bikes splutter and come to a stop on the road side….

hope this is useful to you does not contain all bike's, but most of them are listed.
sorry i could not get it in MPH. but i have put a link for you.
link below. click on BRAND and it will put list in A-Z order.

to convert.

dizzyblonde 24-06-11 12:25 PM

Re: fuel range for motor bikes.....

However it has been discussed in this thread ;)

dizzyblonde 24-06-11 12:59 PM

Re: fuel range for motor bikes.....
I could merge the two together, if I could figure out how to do it.

andrewsmith 24-06-11 01:13 PM

Re: fuel range for motor bikes.....
110 is a bit optomistic for the Rapter chapter

*runs and hides*

dizzyblonde 24-06-11 01:28 PM

Re: fuel range for motor bikes.....
Well Tony didn't give the option of 88 miles and the light flashes8-[

tonyk 24-06-11 02:54 PM

Re: fuel range for motor bikes.....

Originally Posted by dizzyblonde (Post 2562975)
Well Tony didn't give the option of 88 miles and the light flashes8-[

Which bike is that ?.:scratch:

dizzyblonde 24-06-11 03:56 PM

Re: fuel range for motor bikes.....
Cagiva Raptor 1000. Depends what your doing with it really, can go like for like with an SV on the motorway, but on a nice rideout in the Dales where you're constantly in and out of 1st and second, round little roads, it sllllllluuuuuurps petrol!! Doesn't help when you think its going to behave and you don't fill up with fuel.

Messie 24-06-11 04:25 PM

Re: fuel range for motor bikes.....

Originally Posted by dizzyblonde (Post 2562960)
I could merge the two together, if I could figure out how to do it.

Go to Thread tools in top right corner of first post in thread.
Merge is one of the options.

Go on - use those powers!!!!

rictus01 24-06-11 04:38 PM

Re: fuel range for motor bikes.....
neither is 82 there :smt102, but it's academic to me anyway.

dizzyblonde 24-06-11 04:49 PM

Re: Fuel range to empty
Oh look that were simplez wasn't it\\:D/

Threads merged!

orose 24-06-11 05:14 PM

Re: Fuel range to empty
Just in time for the whole topic to be irrelevant anyway - I thought we'd discussed it to death at yours the other day :p

dizzyblonde 24-06-11 05:32 PM

Re: Fuel range to empty
well aye, but as TonyK had gone to so much effort to do a poll, I thought it may as well be merged with yours.

Viper 19-07-11 12:56 PM

Re: Fuel range to empty
My Bike will do 95 miles before the fuel light blinks! if im heavy on the throttle about 70 is more like it.

Marking at last years AR, two up i Got 86 from the tank!

Luckypants 19-07-11 12:58 PM

Re: Fuel range to empty
Marking AR last year, I got 172 miles before feeling like filling up :riding:

Viper 19-07-11 01:02 PM

Re: Fuel range to empty

Originally Posted by Luckypants (Post 2575530)
Marking AR last year, I got 172 miles before feeling like filling up :riding:

:smt038 :smt119 That cos you ride like a GIRL ;)

Luckypants 19-07-11 01:04 PM

Re: Fuel range to empty

Originally Posted by Viper (Post 2575534)
:smt038 :smt119 That cos you ride like a GIRL ;)

Indeed. :flower:

Viper 19-07-11 01:05 PM

Re: Fuel range to empty
Well its looks like your riding like a girl from where im usually sat,

Half a mile behind you trying to catch up :D

dizzyblonde 19-07-11 01:20 PM

Re: Fuel range to empty
Tiz ok LP yer not the only big girl :P.
Petes bus does 300 miles to the tank if hes feeling like a girl, and as hes TEC this time....perhaps he'll have spare to siphen off, for those of us that run dry, and still get 300 out of it :lol:

Bibio 20-07-11 03:20 PM

Re: Fuel range to empty
i'm gona ask but i doubt i'll get an answer but here goes anyway.

what will the total miles be for the route start to finish?

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