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Bibio 23-01-24 10:50 AM

Back in October I went to see the Doctor about a medication review and a suspected hernia. I left the Docs surgery and while walking up the corridor I realised I forgot to get the Doc to examine my hernia so I about turned. After having my hernia examined the Doc asked when was the last time you had a prostate exam to which i replied ermm never. A finger up the bum later it was discovered i had a lump.

So I thought it was about time I told you all I have Grade 2 Prostate Cancer. No its not the reason i haven't been on much.

Tomorrow is the day that I find out about treatment options but they seem confident that its curable.

I'm a very lucky man to have someone in my life too keep me sane who is caring, understanding and fun.
Thank you E

Luckypants 23-01-24 11:37 AM

Re: Cancer...
Lance, that sucks. My best wishes to you for a full recovery. I hope treatment is not too hard on you or your loved ones. Please keep us informed on how you are doing and don't ever feel that you moaning about stuff, if it helps you in any way, please share.

All the best.

Kenzie 23-01-24 12:04 PM

Re: Cancer...
Sorry to hear the news. Hope the treatment goes well and you recover quickly.

Sent from my Nokia XR20 using Tapatalk

Craig380 23-01-24 02:59 PM

Re: Cancer...
Sorry to hear that, Bibs. For what it's worth, I was diagnosed 5 years ago with Stage 4 inoperable PC, if I can offer any help or advice just ping me a message and I'll do my best to answer any questions etc. The good news is that treatments are advancing all the time - there's stuff available now that wasn't available when I was diagnosed - and there's every reason to be positive.

All the very best and please don't hesitate to message if you just want to chat or ask any questions.

garynortheast 23-01-24 03:32 PM

Re: Cancer...
Blimey Lance, that's not what you need to be dealing with. Hope that gets sorted pronto. As Craig says, treatment is coming on apace these days so plenty of reasons to be optimistic. Please, keep us posted.

redtrummy 23-01-24 04:46 PM

Re: Cancer...
Sorry to learn the news Bibio. Loads of acquaintances seem to have been struck down with it. I know two people, both treated just over a year ago, one by radiation the other by surgical removal. The radiated one, last time I spoke to him seems to have made a good recovery and is cancer free. The other, elected to have the prostate removed by robotic assisted surgery (instead of just having it monitored) thinks that he made a mistake although his aftermath symptoms are not too severe. Guess you could be faced with some difficult choices. Good luck

maviczap 23-01-24 05:59 PM

Re: Cancer...
A shock to read this, but all the best for your treatment.

One thing I will say, its at least you're under the Scottish health system, which is better than the UK?

Sir Trev 23-01-24 07:21 PM

Re: Cancer...
Sorry to hear this Bibster. My dad has been living with this for over a decade and been through a lot of different treatments, with most of it succeeding in stopping it getting worse. At nearly 80 he's more worried about his arthritis than the cancer.

Thankfully I had a sympathetic doctor when I asked about hereditary risks and I was "tested" there and then, and I get regular blood tests. Chaps, I encourage all of you to get checked if you've not so.

Kenzie 23-01-24 07:23 PM

Re: Cancer...

Originally Posted by Sir Trev (Post 3142890)
Sorry to hear this Bibster. My dad has been living with this for over a decade and been through a lot of different treatments, with most of it succeeding in stopping it getting worse. At nearly 80 he's more worried about his arthritis than the cancer.

Thankfully I had a sympathetic doctor when I asked about hereditary risks and I was "tested" there and then, and I get regular blood tests. Chaps, I encourage all of you to get checked if you've not so.

Do they have an lower age limit for the tests? I hit 40 back in October and know most GPs are reluctant to test younger people.

Sent from my Nokia XR20 using Tapatalk

Craig380 23-01-24 08:15 PM

Re: Cancer...

Originally Posted by Kenzie (Post 3142891)
Do they have an lower age limit for the tests? I hit 40 back in October and know most GPs are reluctant to test younger people.

Just go and ask your GP for a PSA (prostate-specific antigen) test. The nurse will take a blood sample and it will be reviewed, and you'll prob have a DRE (finger up your ****) too.

The popular conception is that PC is an 'old man's disease'. It isn't. It affects all ages.

My own story should be a cautionary tale. My dad died in 2015 at age 82 with prostate cancer (it wasn't the PC that killed him, but he had it and was treated for it). I was 50 at the time. I asked my GP if I should have a PSA test, because of the direct family link. The GP said, and I quote: "Oh, you don't need to worry about that for a few years yet."

Stupidly, I listened to him. 4 years later, in Jan 2019 at age 54, I thought I'd have a general health MOT (cholestrol, all that stuff) and asked for my PSA to be tested at the same time. I'd had no symptoms at all apart from an occasional increased urgency to pee, which I just put down to age.

I had an urgent call from the surgery at 8am the next morning. My PSA was 33 (high). Biopsies and scans showed advanced, inoperable PC that had spread outside the prostate with metastases in the lower bowel, pelvis, spine, ribs etc.

I was fast-tracked into treatment (chemo, then radiotherapy in 2019) and was given an expectancy of 3 to 5 years. I'm still live and kicking, just getting a back problem caused by one of the secondaries on my spine, but hopefully getting that sorted soon.

The moral of the story is simple: get tested and do not be fobbed off. Insist on it.

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