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kaivalagi 29-06-14 01:20 PM

BBQ - Norwich - Sat 23rd August
Hi All,

Just giving you all a heads up that I have a BBQ going on on Saturday 23rd August and you're all welcome.

It's primarily a Fiji Day thing (even though Fiji day isn't until October 10th) with some of the local Fijian gang coming over for a get together, they're an interesting bunch and it normally means lots of drinking and fun....they'll be more than happy for you lot to turn up.

They'll be some food, drinks and Kava, but please try and bring some food or drink along to add to the stocks to help me out. If numbers are low I'll be alright but if the whole of the EAR and more descend on my place I'll be struggling.....

Any bikes can park in the back garden on the grass, as the front drive will be filled with some cars and is deep gravel anyway. There's enough space for a few tents too if anyone wants to sleep off the booze before heading home the following day.

Just give me the nod if you plan on coming so I get an idea of numbers, I'll pass on the exact location via PM closer the time.

Kaivalagi (Mark)

Skip 02-07-14 01:07 PM

Re: BBQ - Norwich - Sat 23rd August
Very good of you Mark - will do my best to at least pop along and say hello :)

Tomor 02-07-14 03:26 PM

Re: BBQ - Norwich - Sat 23rd August
Oh dear. Nathan, fancy putting me up? got the week off after :D and that sat is my B-day. Can I put myself down as a possible if my dad will let me as we are moving house?

kaivalagi 02-07-14 07:19 PM

Re: BBQ - Norwich - Sat 23rd August
Be good to see you Skip, it's been a while :)

Sure thing Tomor, you can always put a tent up in my back garden if you don't want far to crawl, goes for Nathan and co also :) I have the week after off work too, have stocked some strong Belgian beer home brew and hopefully will get some rather strong "special" spirits for the bash too (not meths!)....

Thunderace 02-07-14 08:41 PM

Re: BBQ - Norwich - Sat 23rd August
Mark, I'm a potential for this, would love to come. I no longer work weekends so hopefully get more time for bike related shenanigans :D But having just changed jobs, finances are a little bit up in the air for the next couple of weeks:(

Tom, anytime you want, always room at ours:smt023

kaivalagi 04-07-14 10:14 AM

Re: BBQ - Norwich - Sat 23rd August
BTW, get ready to drink some of this when you come:

Skip 04-07-14 10:22 AM

Re: BBQ - Norwich - Sat 23rd August
A quick Google has me wondering if its a tribal version of Rohypnol? lol :)

kaivalagi 04-07-14 04:52 PM

Re: BBQ - Norwich - Sat 23rd August
It's good for both involved though :)

Most people new to the stuff drink one bowl and no more, it don't taste all that great...but you need a fair few bowls before the proper effects kick in!

Littlepeahead 05-07-14 06:09 AM

Re: BBQ - Norwich - Sat 23rd August
Now if I was a really organised sort of person I'd book my bike in for a service at the place in Norwich I bought it from then come along afterwards with my little tent and my Touratec cupcake carrier.

kaivalagi 05-07-14 06:42 AM

Re: BBQ - Norwich - Sat 23rd August
Feel free to come over, I'm in NR7, not all that far from Lings. I'll be at the house all day for anyone arriving earlier than whatever time the BBQ is to start. Wifey and other mums will be taking kids over to a local woodland/park for a play about to let me and a couple others get the second gazebo up (for Kava) and get the BBQ started.

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