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Cloggsy 25-02-05 10:39 AM

Turned out nice again...

timwilky 25-02-05 11:04 AM

yes, using the non riding time to replace my pads. Back done and was a pig as pins well stuck. Front pins soaking in penetrating oil prior to removal attempt.

Richie 25-02-05 04:51 PM

:D Yep, got some Aluminium Tred plate, to cover my bike trailer, so thats another job sorted...
bike still needs back tyre, so get one at the weekend.

Do you know anywhere cheep Clive...?? and What are you running on?
Met'z Z6 or something else???

Cloggsy 25-02-05 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by Richie1743
Do you know anywhere cheep Clive...?? and What are you running on?

PM sent mate :wink:

Peter Henry 27-02-05 11:14 AM

Well chappies I think it only fair to advise you that...yesterday was lovely here,(first totty on the beach in their bikinis!...errr hum just happened to notice when taking dog out for a walk!)
But today we finally have some wet stuff! Must sound weird to you fellow northerners,me being pleased to see the stuff! However todays round of golf cancelled and SV to stay under her dust sheet in the garage! :lol: 8)

Cloggsy 28-02-05 12:06 AM

Snowed again here today :roll: Fortunately, it didn't settle...

Come on spring... Give us all a break :!:

timwilky 28-02-05 07:48 AM

Lovely day yesterday, put on leathers, wheeled bike out of garage, turned on ignition pressed starter button and click

Why had I not bothered putting the thing on the Optimate at some time in the past week?.

Took 2 hours to get enough into it to start, so out for a couple of hours before I had to come back home to cook dinner.

On charge overnight although it doesn'nt need it now so just conditioning.

BTW snowing here now since 7.00 am so guess I will have to work instead of play today

jul1e 28-02-05 08:59 AM

It was a lovely day yesterday

Took it nice and easy as I'm still getting used to the SV
and after a while I lost all feeling in my fingers

But chips and gravy at Matllock :)

It was great to just get out on the road again !

Ratty 28-02-05 10:44 AM

Didn't get out yesterday, too much to do. Thought I would be able to get out for a blast today. But oh no, bloody winter wonderland again. Still snowing now and it's stuck. :cry:

Ratty 02-03-05 08:02 PM

I can see cobwebs forming in this forum.

Oh look, there's tumbleweed blowing across............................................ ....

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