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simple simon 08-09-06 11:53 AM

BMW cars............
This is an unusual rant........ in defence of BMW drivers and owners.

My wifes' car is a BMW 325Ci Coupe. My company car at the moment is a 330i Sport Saloon and changes almost weekly for, you see, I am employed by BMW.
I have worked in the car industry for years, for BMW (and briefly Audi) and love what I do.
I enjoy bikes, cars, karts - anything with an engine really, and would like, just once, to use this forum to state publicly to several people, that not all BMW drivers are idiots.
In fact, most are bloody nice people, just like you or I and (GASP) most are good, couteous drivers.
Yes, there are those who are nutters, rude, ignorant, chaotic, occasionally nasty and repugnant. But, this is true of all walks of life, is seen in all models of car and even the case (intollerable to some) of many a biker.
So please, those who rant on about BMW's take a moment to reflect on the time you were cut up by a battered Micra, abused by a kid scooter or had an off moment yourself and angered another road user by your actions and then stop spouting a load of bull.
Blandly spouting that all BMW owners are w*nkers is like the stereotypical mutterings that the SV 'is a girls bike'. Utter nonsense really that is due to lack of understanding, lack of experience or more sinister form of ignorance.

Now, the onslaught of the above begin shortly I am sure, but at last I have said my piece.

Cheers, Si

SoulKiss 08-09-06 12:05 PM

Only going by my experience on a bike I am afraid, and most of the BMW drivers in London are aggressive, "have to be at the front" types - even if that means undertaking me while I am already in the SP30 dangerzone, almost hitting me.

Other examples include approaching the Hammersmith flyover in the middle lane from Barons Court (so would end up in the left hand lane on the flyover itself) seeing that I am going to get slowed down seriously in the lane I am in (some people just dont seem to realise that you need to drop a gear/increase your acceleration when you hit a slope), I check out the lane to my right, see its clear (but is that the "devil badge" on the grill of the guy behind me in that lane) put on my indicator, and my the time I am checking it out again, he's along side me blocking my maneuver.

Now yes, maybe I need to be more assertive, check mirror, blindspot, indicate and go (instead of my newbieish Mirror, blindspot, indicate, mirror, blindspot, move routine of the moment) and perhaps he doesn't want to be "stuck" behind a CG125, but its ridiculous behaviour.

Yes there are good BMW drivers, but there are also a class of them that didn't buy based on build quality etc, but on speed and image, and because they found the pen1s enlargment products they bought from spam emails didn't work.


PS (I really liked my Dads 5-series)

Ceri JC 08-09-06 12:07 PM

I wouldn't ever have a problem with someone, just because of the car they drive. It's the way someone drives that would wind me up.

I don't hate BMWs (or the people that drive them) I'm fairly dispassionate about the whole thing; it's just that more BMW drivers in my experiences (and presumably others'- hence the reputation) have done stupid things (and also, shown less courtesy/given way when they weren't obliged to) and driven more aggresively than those in any other brand of car. The increase in the number of "cheaper" BMWs like the 3 series models on the road has somewhat lessened this (I find they're generally driven more courteously than other beemers).

Out of interest, it'd be nice to know how you, as a BMW driver think this reputation has (presumably unfairly) come about. Before you answer, it's not jealousy or envy of you motor; if it was, I'd say "people in Bentleys drive like ****s" :lol: (they don't - the ones I've seen have all been exemplary). Do you honestly think the whole thing is some urban myth perpetuated by the media, or does it at least have some root in truth?

Of course there are exceptions to this general stereotype; yourself no doubt included. As it happens, probably the most cautious driver I know (60K miles out of a set of tyres! :shock: ) drivers a beemer.

Jdubya 08-09-06 12:32 PM

should this not be in idle banter?

*runs and hides*

Baph 08-09-06 12:38 PM


Originally Posted by Ceri JC
I wouldn't ever have a problem with someone, just because of the car they drive. It's the way someone drives that would wind me up.

Exactly on the money!

Unfortunately, my opinion of BMW drivers is (as has already been said) a reflection of what I've seen on the road and nothing more. By far the worst are the 4x4 BMWs.

As has also been said, there are exceptions to the assumption that BMW drivers are blind (I prefer that reasoning than they're just idiotic). One such exception I see almost everyday on my way to work. It also breaks another generalisation, as it's female driver! :shock: It's a fairly old, beemer, but in good condition, and driven by someone that works in another department in my company. First time I followed her my reaction was "Oh great, another BMW to sit behind, best keep my distance." But I have to say, I was (and still am) seriously impressed by how defensive her driving is. She almost definately drives better than I do.

I took the time to tell her that she's a great driver & she has apparently not done any form of advanced driver training. Now I find there's 1 BMW on the road that I'm happy to trott along behind.

PS. Yes, I know my thinking should be the same for all cars, but the reality is, it's not. Some cars I'm extra cautious of, and no, it's not just limited to BMWs.

TSM 08-09-06 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by SoulKiss
PS (I really liked my Dads 5-series)

Umm, yes they are nice. I got to drive my new boss's 5-series, cant remember if it was the M5 or just 5 but it was very nice and very quick with the typical BMW rattle and growl when you put your foot down. I also got to drive the X5 4.4, haaaa niceeee.

simple simon 08-09-06 12:48 PM

I am unsure why the tenet is a popularly held belief. Partly I think, due to the sort of buyers we had in the late 80's when the 3 series began to be popular with the corporate/company car owner.

A lot of people found themselves in a 'flash' BMW (normally a bog standard 316 that couldn't pull the skin off a rice pudding) and thrashed the hell out of them.
I think there is a degree of jelousy but this is a tiny minority. The same type of people who close up in traffic to stop a filtering biker!

There are some monster cars in our range and, yes, they are driven hard by many a driver. Again, no more so than many a bike on a Sunday afternoon.

But I generally think the stigma is utter nonsense!

SoulKiss 08-09-06 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by simple simon
But I generally think the stigma is utter nonsense!

I count 4 votes to your one Simon.......


Baph 08-09-06 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by SoulKiss

Originally Posted by simple simon
But I generally think the stigma is utter nonsense!

I count 4 votes to your one Simon.......


I'm going to play nice on this one (unusual I know). Surely simon's vote counts for 10 of ours.

Mainly as he has to suffer the experience of prolonged exposure to the general BMW driving community :lol:

lynw 08-09-06 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by simple simon
I am unsure why the tenet is a popularly held belief. Partly I think, due to the sort of buyers we had in the late 80's when the 3 series began to be popular with the corporate/company car owner.

A lot of people found themselves in a 'flash' BMW (normally a bog standard 316 that couldn't pull the skin off a rice pudding) and thrashed the hell out of them.
I think there is a degree of jelousy but this is a tiny minority. The same type of people who close up in traffic to stop a filtering biker!

There are some monster cars in our range and, yes, they are driven hard by many a driver. Again, no more so than many a bike on a Sunday afternoon.

But I generally think the stigma is utter nonsense!

I disagree with your last comment. Making that 5 to 1 now I believe :wink: :P :lol:

I think the stigma is deserved for a lot of BMW drivers. But I do realise that doesnt apply to all, like power ranger bikers who hoon about dangerously give us all a bad rep that doesnt really apply to all bikers.

But you hit the nail on the head with your first sentence when you said "due to the sort of buyers we had" and imo, still have. BMW and Mercs are still status cars and with that you will attract bad drivers in a higher proportion than other cars.

Also, the belief the car has better performance that it has is probably why most of the speeding tailgaters I encounter are BMWs and Mercs. I think there is an overbelief in the engineering quality that people think its perfectly acceptable and they can stop even when driving 5 feet away from you at 80mph. :evil:

Im fully aware drivers of other cars can be just as blind and dangerous, but ime it has been predominantly BMW and Merc drivers that have caused me problems. I dont automatically presume though ALL BMW/Merc drivers are bad. :D

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