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Old 03-09-06, 11:11 AM   #2
Posts: n/a

They do, well some do anyway. I had a pool car from work about a year ago, now this should of been checked as road worthy before I got it, so I didn't check it.

Anyway, I jump in this pool car, and drive off. On my way home at around 23:30, driving up Bromley Hill (less than 1/2 a mile from home, after I had driven the other 17.5miles through town), I get pulled over by the police.

Do you know why we have stopped you?
No idea, sorry officer.
Is this your car?
No....(this part was fun...)

Anyway it turns out I had a headlight out, the police officer was concerned that the car may be mistaken for a bike because of the single headlight. I explained that I was a biker and didn't have a car, and in fact had my bike licence before the car one.

After going though the registration, insurance, etc, etc, and about 20minutes freezing by the side of the road they let me go as long as I put a new headlight in it the next day. Which was nice, as they could of given me 3 points for something that essentially was not my fault.

It does happen, but when they do it its usually because they think something else is up. I look young and this car was a 2L Saab Turbo, so they went though everything they could to try and pull me for something else, which fortunately was all legit.

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