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Old 08-09-06, 12:38 PM   #5
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Ceri JC
I wouldn't ever have a problem with someone, just because of the car they drive. It's the way someone drives that would wind me up.
Exactly on the money!

Unfortunately, my opinion of BMW drivers is (as has already been said) a reflection of what I've seen on the road and nothing more. By far the worst are the 4x4 BMWs.

As has also been said, there are exceptions to the assumption that BMW drivers are blind (I prefer that reasoning than they're just idiotic). One such exception I see almost everyday on my way to work. It also breaks another generalisation, as it's female driver! It's a fairly old, beemer, but in good condition, and driven by someone that works in another department in my company. First time I followed her my reaction was "Oh great, another BMW to sit behind, best keep my distance." But I have to say, I was (and still am) seriously impressed by how defensive her driving is. She almost definately drives better than I do.

I took the time to tell her that she's a great driver & she has apparently not done any form of advanced driver training. Now I find there's 1 BMW on the road that I'm happy to trott along behind.

PS. Yes, I know my thinking should be the same for all cars, but the reality is, it's not. Some cars I'm extra cautious of, and no, it's not just limited to BMWs.
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