Sorry took me so long to get back -match of the day is on so need to prioritise.
Can of worms
Welcome people who are willing to live by our laws and respect the traditions of our british way of life,but if not- don't stay here,don't take our tax payers money for dole ,housing etc.
Oz is taking a stand against people who they see as a threat to the law abiding majority -simple as that.
Expected the "your racist/bnp sh*t£"because if a british person even thinks about speaking up about this kind of situation its not allowed.
For the record my family were immigrants to this country years ago,and took on the british way of life etc-I serve this country and will welcome any person who wants to live here aslong as they are law abiding and are willing to respect the beliefs/traditions of the british way of life that has been so attractive to them in the first place.
This is a biking forum yes but this topic was posted in the idle banter section-not biking talk!