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Old 28-10-06, 10:29 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by hovi5
i belive that if peeps want to come to this counrty they should abide by our ways,or they will be lost forever,they should learn our languge
"our ways" are the fusion of multiple immigrations to this country over many thousands of years. In fact the Celts themselves were new to this country when Caesar invaded but because he branded them indigenous theres a folklore they are native to this group of Islands when theyre not.

There is NO such thing as a pure English or British. Most things we take for granted as "british" or "english" are pretty much if you go back to their origins derived from the mix of immigrants bringing their culture to this Island and not giving it up. Our country would be the poorer for doing what you want. Immigrants have been the back bone of this country. Without immigrants we would be poorer not just in culture but financially. There would be no Tescos, no Triumph, no Bank of England, no currency called the pound... I could carry on. But the essence is stark - "our" culture has developed from the mixing of so many.

"Our" language is a fusion of Latin, Germanic and Gallic languages. There is no such thing as "pure" English. English is a mongrel language, as much as the English are a mongrel nation.

Funny how you appear to know so little about the things you want to "protect" or see immigrants as a threat to when its immigrants that will bring new blood to it and instigate needed change. If a culture stagnates then ultimately it will fail, or rip itself apart in civil war as factions for change fight for needed change while factions resist. History teaches us that from Caesar through to the fall of the Soviet Union.
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