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Old 16-03-07, 09:28 AM   #3
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Strange wires???

Those pesky recorders can be used for all manner of things. And I think that the "wires" you talk of are actually pressured lines, traffic rolls over them & pressure change is detected by the box. Usually a pair of lines.

In the past, I've know surveys to look at any (and all, or only a few) of the following:
traffic volume/time - congestion
average traffic weight - road condition
average traffic speed - scamera feasability survey!
average vehicle type (number of wheels & weight) - road use statistics

To me, it makes sense that if you're going to put a box down, record everything you can. Even if you don't actually use the data.

I ALWAYS ride over them slower than the speed limit, just for the traffic speed measuring possibility!
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