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Old 16-03-07, 12:58 PM   #6
Captain Nemo
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Default Re: Strange wires???

they use 2 for speed measuring 1 for traffic volume, they arent interested in vehicles a such, traffic volume is generally measured in MSA's (million standard axles)
if its a trunk road, then measuring is usually constant with the induction loops being burried in the wearing course and operatives removing cartridges from the loggers and downloading it at the office, the HIghways agency contractors evaluate thsi data all the time, its used for working out residual life and proojecting maintenace expenditure, as well as basing traffic management designs for maintenance works upon the flows,
ive never heard of these kind of loops being used to measure vehicle loadings, that informations not much use (bridges being an exception) roads are designed to take the current max vehicle loadings anyway.

i suspect that as these are close to speed cameras, that they are being used to measure avarage speeds of vehicles on the approach to the camares. Camera partnerships are supposed to re evalute existing fixed and temporary sites, i think, every 2 yrs, might be 3, so it looks like this particular camera partnership is doing what its supposed and gathering informatio for its camera review, alternatively they could be gathering supporting data to argue for more cameras on that stretch if they can prove that X% of vehicles exceed the current limit.
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