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Old 15-10-07, 06:51 PM   #22
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Default Re: Advanced riding – braking

Originally Posted by weazelz View Post
I sometimes think that you forget just what an advanced/fast rider you are Nick. I think most people have had it drummed into them that using the front brake when not upright will have them on their arses quicker than you can say a very quick thing

I definitely think that braking into an corner is a part of smooth progressive riding - having to be off the brakes & have the bike settled before turning in reduces the fluidity of riding for me. I do moderate it if conditions are not optimum - especially if it's wet/slippery/bumpy. I find that turning in on the brakes helps the bike to turn & progressively releasing them into the apex makes for a much smoother corner entry than the alternative
Sure I have I have put my time in on the road and track, but I don't profess to be any more than the tool I am!! However I do appreciate what is basic riding and advanced riding (to my mind anyhoo). I feel most techniques used on track can be directly uatilised (at least to some degree) on the road and visa versa.

As well as hazard perception etc, advanced motoring is about greater vehicle control right? I like you feel that if you are not using the brakes into a turn that you really are not controlling the bike to any great degree, certainly can’t be getting much ‘feedback’. Your comment "I find that turning in on the brakes helps the bike to turn & progressively releasing them into the apex makes for a much smoother corner entry than the alternative " sums it up for me too ...

Ok so it’s a necessity to go fast on track, but having the bike ‘balanced’ through a combination of brake usage, weight distribution and throttle control has to be the ultimate goal on the vehicle control side of being an ‘advanced’ rider?

Sure it would take practice to utalise the method to any great extent, but again, it's an ADVANCED method that can be gradually worked on … you need to work on any of the methods taught in IAM to make them ‘second nature’ or got the best from them??? I actually think for aforementioned reasons its a safer method (if done correctly) and therefore surely not to be frowned on at the advanced level as it appears to be?

Originally Posted by fizzwheel View Post
I dont know I havent really thought about it that much I guess what I'm trying to say is that I get much better feel from the GSXR, so I feel more confident on it. I dont get the same level of feedback / feel from the SV, so I dont feel as confident on the front as I do on the GSXR.

I rememeber when I started riding I scared myself a couple of times on the SV with a handful of front brake so I'm wary of just how fast it stands up and runs straight when you do it. I guess because I've never had that experience on the GSXR ( because I'm a more experienced rider now ) that that negative block about trail braking isnt there.

I suspect I might be doing it though. I also use the bikes for different things and I ride the SV alot more in the wet, rubbish wintery conditions where I tend to ride alot more gently that I do on the GSXR on warm summer days.
I think running the brakes into a turn is imperative in the wet ... it gives you a feel for the grip levels and helps 'dig' the front in and duly transfer weight to the rear when you ease off ...

If you didn't trail the brakes in the wet you would be pootling/wobbling about surely?!?!? I can’t imagine NOT doing it …

Like I said, I tried today and it was horrible and I don’t feel in control!!

Last edited by Blue_SV650S; 15-10-07 at 07:21 PM.
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