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Old 07-03-08, 11:44 AM   #1
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Default Using mobile phone while driving - law changing?

Just had an email from our UK head office about the use of mobile phones whilst driving. Part of it says..." the company is fully aware of impending European legislation which will see it illegal to use a phone in a car under any circumstances whilst the vehicle is on the road and the engine is running, this is likely to be with us before the end of the year".

Anyone else heard of this? Good thing, bad thing?

Personally I think this is taking things too far as there's a multitude of other measures that could improve the safety and standard of the current driving public.

Also, how would this law be enforced? How would a police officer know that I was on the phone and not singing/talking to myself etc without either examining my phone or contacting my phone provider? There's too few police patroling the UK highways anyway so the chances of being caught are pretty slim, especially with discretely fitted hands-free kits.

This just seems to be another law that's being passed so the powers that be appear to be doing something rather than actually doing something.

Rant over, thanks for listening.
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