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Old 08-05-08, 07:14 AM   #226
Posts: n/a
Default Re: ASM down, RIP Condolences

I wasn't sure where to post this, but decided here would be suitable.

A message from Marks family.

Dear Simon
I must apologise for taking so long to pass on our thanks for all the hard work and running around you did to keep SV clubs members updated of Mark's funeral arrangements and for the beautiful bouquet of flowers which you all sent. It has been quite a time here, as you probably can imagine.
Please pass on our thanks to all for attending Mark's funeral; it was good to meet so many of the guys who knew Mark and I can now at least put a few faces to names that he mentioned. We think that Mark was fortunate to know you all and both our families have commented on what a great bunch of guys the bikers were - O.K. I now know that you are NOT Hells Angels, but a pretty decent crowd of guys of varying ages and talents no less.
I hope that you do not mind; I was reading the thread that you gave us to and you are considering, as well as a yearly ride, putting up a plaque (not a plague) at Fox's Diner in memory of Mark - what a lovely idea, not sure about the 'Mark burger' (ha ha), but loved the idea of the untraceable Vineyard! (did I go somewhere I should not?).
Pete and I will be planting some Blue Hyacinths and Bluebells at the accident spot and they should come up each year at the beginning of April. We intend to 'sneak' there early one Sunday morning when no one is about!
The Police Forensics have finished the inspection on Mark's Yamaha and confirm that there would be no residual value from it, and it is now being disposed of as scrap. We will probably not find out much about the report until the Coroners Inquest takes place, now put back to 14th October.
Also, thanks to everyone for the photos of Mark - they have been a great source of comfort to us - they are put up on the Fridge door, so I can look at them whenever I want to - and I do frequently throughout the day.
Once again, apologies for taking so long to write and thank you, we really are very appreciative of all the help you have given.
Debbie, Pete & Simon D'Ardenne
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