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Old 15-08-09, 09:18 AM   #69
Von Teese
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Default Re: Thank you from the AR09 Dogs!

Originally Posted by gruntygiggles View Post
The one breed I really want is a South African Boerboel.......they are immense, powerful beasts, but really loyal and loving!
They are amazing dogs, there used to be one owned by some very wealthy friends of mine who were always having shows on their fields.
They kept a storage of tyres in an old stable because their dog, Hagar, used to bite the tyres of cars whilst they were driving across the fields to the shows and puncture them, but they loved him so much they would rather pay for replacements than spoil his a bit worrying when you were driving and you felt like you had run over his head....then the 'pop'.

He was the biggest softie ever, aside from his tyre fetish!
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