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Old 03-12-09, 04:10 PM   #7
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Default Re: EAR Meetup on Sunday 13th December

Originally Posted by kellyjo View Post
Would love to come but my bikes not on the road at the moment (apologies for my absence but ive moved house and its taken an eternity to get my internet up and running!!).

Not sure if or when it will be back in action, cos firstly the rear tyre needed replacing about 500 miles ago, and secondly many things are up in the air at the moment (finances and love life mainly ) so im not sure whether the bike and i even have a future, and that is just sooooo crap, but then i guess thats life, you just think youve got it all sorted and before you know it everythings back in turmoil again.

In the meantime i'll still be popping my head around the forum 'door' to see whats going on and hopefully be back in the saddle soon. Take care of yourselves in the meantime xxx
Sorry to hear all is not well with you at the mo KJ.

I'm sure all will sort itself out given time.

I know it may be very difficult financially but having a bike so you can grab a few hours out on it, and leave all your troubles behind, is wonderful therapy.

Anyway, don't be a stranger on here.
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