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Old 11-09-11, 08:22 PM   #1
Posts: n/a
Exclamation Christopher Down - Peaks Weekend


some of you will know that Christopher came off his bike quite badly on Saturday during the Peaks Camping Ride out.

His folks have asked that I post here and let you all know how he is doing. I will update with his progress as information comes through to me.

He crashed the bike into a stone dyke wall at approx 50-60mph while he then slide across the road and verge and hit the metal post holding up the chevron sign. We since learned that this post had only recently been concreted into place, which has probably not helped his injuries.

He is suffering from:

Bruising to the brain
Broken collar bone (right)
Dislocated shoulder (right - now relocated)
Broken arm (left)
Fractured pelvis (left side)
Damage to his left Fibia.

He was initially attended to by Marie and Mike, first responders in the area, and then Paramedics Phil and Ashley arrived to transport him to a suitable place for Helimed to air lift him from the scene. West Midlands Air Ambulance - Crew were Ian and Stuart.

From all of us who were at the scene these guys could not have done enough. They were fantastic and we'd like to thank each and every one of them personally. I'm naming them here, because they had asked me to keep them updated, and they had said they'd log onto the forum to see how Chris was doing.

I'd personally like to thank DaveNumbers, and Orose for flagging down traffic at the scene and making it safe. OldGit (Keith) Steve and DavieSV and SV4ME for their help at the scene, both keeping myself and Chris calm.

Chris is likely to be in North Staffs University Hospital on Ward 24 for anything up to 2 weeks. He is currently quite heavily sedated and still quite confused. I dare say in a few days he and his parents Steve and Yvonne will appreciate any visitors.

Hopefully tomorrow they will operate to re-set the broken arm, it was scheduled for today, but he was too confused for them to carry it out.
He will require extensive physio for the hip fracture. He is expected to make a full recovery.

And we can now confirm that Christopher does indeed know how to swear.


Edit: Chris doesn't have his phone etc so any texts that are sent will go un-replied for sometime.

Last edited by fenjer; 11-09-11 at 08:27 PM.
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