Gripe of the day - What is yours?
People who indicated to go round ****ing pinch points!!! And people who indicate to go round parked cars!! What, you think I didn't see it?! You assumed I'd think you were going to plough straight into the ****ing back of it?! I know you're going to go round it you ****ing dumb ****!
To add to that, people who do the above next to a right turn!! If I'm coming the other way, I'll often stop close enough to the obstacle so they can't get past and gesture them to turn off.
Quite often they will turn their indicator off but sometimes they gesture that they're going forwards so I pull up beside and say "well don't ****ing indicate then!"
Not a gripe of the day but hey ho.
Sent via the medium of interpretive dance.
Last edited by Matt-EUC; 06-08-14 at 11:27 PM.