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Old 27-09-14, 06:27 PM   #45
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Default Re: Petrol stations and helmets again.

TBH if I'm out on a long ride with several fills I'm usually grateful to get to a fuel station so that I can take my lid off.

There are exceptions in which I do take umbridge at being told to take my lid off. These are:

1 If it's really busy at the garage, there are people behind getting annoyed etc;
2 If it raining.

My stance revolves around the fact that I wear glasses and a full face helmet. When it's busy I really just want to fuel up and push my bike out of the way so someone else can use the pump (I know I don't have to, but I just find it annoys drivers less) - having to remove the lid just slows this down as I have to put it somewhere, push the bike, go back for it etc etc etc.... having to do this with glasses is a real b*ll ache as I am trying to find somewhere to put my glasses while I use two hands to removed the lid (not many flat surfaces on an SV when it's on it's side stand).

When it's raining it's the same issue, but also the fact that putting the glasses on any surface will get water on the lens, so I then have to dig out a glasses cloth, wipe etc.... - oh and the fact that the PITA of having to do this will make be breath more heavily, which will then probably steam the glasses up more.

I avoid Morrissons stations for exactly this reason.
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