Thread: Shed Build
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Old 08-03-18, 01:47 PM   #15
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Default Re: Shed Build

if you lay the flooring along the 2.4 you can use 2 dwangs. the dwangs need to be staggered or you wont be able to nail the ends or use lap joints and nail from above.

which ever way you lay the flooring you need to make sure that all ends sit on a joist.

if your going to line the inside with PB or chip then you need to remember to have stud to fix to in the corners so go one size up for that purpose. lets say you use 50x75 for the main frame, you would either need to nail 2 bits together in the corners along the side frames or use 100x75 in the corners (ends of frame). or put the '75' face on, on all stud work. again use dwangs if you can.

building a shed is the exact same as building internal stud walls in a house.

Last edited by Bibio; 08-03-18 at 01:51 PM.
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