Thread: The Veg Plot.
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Old 03-04-20, 10:03 PM   #29
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Default Re: The Veg Plot.

Glad you found some seeds Adam. They need to go in this weekend really, give you the longest possible growing season.

Sioned and I were out doing these this afternoon.

Potato towers
by garynortheast

Potato towers
by garynortheast

Potato towers by garynortheast

Our potato towers. We were only going to do three of them originally, but I was given more seed potatoes and we now have six towers with another two to be added tomorrow.
Great space saver for growing spuds. Pack the tyres with dead bracken or straw first, then plant the seed potatoes in a mix of well rotted horse poo and compost. Cover with more of the same, and when the shoots come through add another tyre treated the same way as the first one. I reckon we'll get to about six or seven tyres high before we harvest the spuds.

Sioned potted on all the tomato plants today and my little greenhouse is getting a bit full. I may need to buy another one at this rate!

by garynortheast

Planted two rows of beetroot this evening with a row of radishes sown over the top of each row of beetroot.

Beetroot and radishes
by garynortheast
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