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Old 15-10-20, 07:54 AM   #60
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Default Re: The No Goat Tracks Autumn Ride.

It's currently a threat to stop travel from Tier 2 and Tier 3 hotspots in England, Scotland and NI from entering Wales. It will come into effect at 18:00 this Friday unless some sort of action is taken by Westminster (which won't happen, so Wales will probably enact the travel restrictions).

The absurdity was highlighted in The Guardian yesterday.

"Dafydd Llywelyn, the police and crime commissioner for Dyfed-Powys, said on Wednesday it would not be possible to completely close the border. But other tactics are available, including setting up road checks within Wales and following up tips from members of the public.

"He gave an example of the current inconsistencies. Dyfed-Powys officers recently issued fixed-penalty notices to three men who had driven out of Caerphilly for a day out. But the police had not been able to stop a coach-load of people from a hotspot area in the north of England visiting Tenby in Pembrokeshire."
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