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Old 15-08-23, 03:59 PM   #3
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Default Re: DVLA reminder system

Well you "should" still get paper reminders, though I didn't. If you don't want to use the system then it should be business as usual (for the time being anyway).

There are also plenty of folk who don't have internet access or understanding, so any internet based system will be "discriminatory" in that regard.

As to whether a DVLA system should require a passport number is indeed debatable, and I know others have passed exactly that comment on the feedback forms. I don't really understand why they couldn't simply have used the driving license number, though I guess there will inevitably be someone who has a vehicle registered to them and somehow insured and taxed but they don't have a license, and they will moan about it.

You can check the MOT and tax (VED) status of a vehicle online without the need to register for this system. Check, write it down in your diary, and tax when it's due.
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