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Old 06-06-05, 02:18 PM   #93
Posts: n/a

As I was back-marker for the second stint I waited at the Tesco exit till everyone was gone when there were two straggling SVs not with the main group so I waited and waved them on quickly saying "oi get a move on". Followed them out into the queue of traffic and patiently waited behind them to once again have to wave them forward only for them to stick behind the car in front, so I moved up waved them on again even more impatiently and said "okay let's go lads", when they turned to me and shouted "er, we're not with the ride we've never seen you lot before". Oh well almost had another two recruits .

I had a similar experience at Tesco.

After we turned left towards Tesco, there were several confused SV'ers who wernt sure if they should go into the carpark or not, we had a marker inside the carpark entrance, However i took it upon myself to park across the lights directing traffic into the correct lane and into the Tesco entrance.

It also gave me a chance to light the first cig for 2 hours and 20 minutes

I was pointing into the car park for a while till i thought we had everyone back, then another couple of bikes came up and ignored my gestures, they came past me looking like I was related to the Adams family.

At one point I got seperated by some traffic lights and I got away and was chasing this bloke, he was certainly going well and my bike ran out of puff :P then he waved and shot off down a farm track.

Around the next bend I caught up again with a gaggle of SV's

Scotland next year anyone?