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Old 29-01-06, 12:43 PM   #1
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Default Anyone for a run to mid-Wales ??

I will be dropping off Carsick's vacuum guage back to him in the next few weeks... so will be doing a dash up towards Aberystwyth if anyones interested in tagging along...

will probably take the A470 up, then cut accross... can be a bit more creative on the way back....

Overall a very nice run on the bike, but wrap up warm! I didnt wear enough clothing yesterday, and am now paying for it with a very bad throat!

Didnt plan on it, but ended up that way yesterday.. went out, under severe boredom kept on going up the A470 until i decided it was unwise to go much further, then popped over Aberystwyth way... no police on the way up... plenty of them on the way back down though!

This will be done at short notice though, if the weather forecast looks good, and Carsicks there.... I'll pop up a post day or two before...
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