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Old 03-04-06, 11:31 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Ed
I cannot accept that anyone has the right to take another's life under any circumstances (except self-defence) and so no I do not agree that this man should be executed.
I doubt those that lost loved ones in the 9/11 tragedy, would be quite so forgiving

but onto Jelsters point, I too believe their is a financial reason for the death penalty, wether it be right or wrong ? I cannot say.

but there has to be a finite line drawn somewhere. as society releases more and more people that re offend (and a lot of them do)? the do gooder state is ensuring it is less safe for law abiding people.

i think it's time that penalties were reviewed (made harsher is my opinion ) there needs to be a deterent for crime.

the way we are heading it will be all out anarchy in 30 or so years time

A bit of the mad max world :P dog eat dog